WB Games Posts Lengthy To-Do List For Bug-Riddled Batman: Arkham Knight

Considering the fact that Batman: Arkham Knight was so riddled with bugs on the PC that sales had to be suspended, I think it's safe to say that the game's release is one of the most botched in recent years. It might even manage to beat out Assassin's Creed: Unity with its ridiculous graphical bugs. Maybe.

Batman Arkham Knight

Nonetheless, it seems like WB Games wants to make things right, and as soon as humanly possible. On Saturday, the company posted to the game's official forums a large list of bugs that it's going to be tackling in the near-future, with the first one listed bound to appease PC gamers who think 30 FPS framerates should stay on consoles.

  • Support for frame rates above 30FPS in the graphics settings menu
  • Fix for low resolution texture bug
  • Improve overall performance and framerate hitches
  • Add more options to the graphics settings menu
  • Improvements to hard drive streaming and hitches
  • Address full screen rendering bug on gaming laptop
  • Improvements to system memory and VRAM usage
  • NVIDIA SLI bug fixes
  • Enabling AMD Crossfire
  • NVIDIA and AMD updated drivers

These fixes are not going to come overnight, but WB has promised interim patches that will help take care of other niggling, smaller issues as we go along. Everyone playing the game on PC right now is in effect a beta tester, so if you happened to purchased the game and want a smooth experience, your best bet is to wait a couple of weeks before diving in, because there's a lot that needs to be patched up. If there's an upside, it's that both Rocksteady and WB Games are making good headway on things, and won't just leave the game in its seriously buggy initial state.

Tags:  Gaming