Clean Port 80, a group created by SCO chairman Ralph Yarro, is trying to keep websites with pornographic content from using port 80, the main HTTP port, in order to contain the proliferation of porn on the internet. Clean Port 80's main argument is that the internet is comparable to a TV with only one channel on which pornography or other unsuitable content may randomly show up while children are watching; something the group argues no parent would want. While Clean Port 80's goals may sound noble to some, to others they amount to nothing more than censorship.
The governor of Utah signed a nonbinding resolution on Tuesday that calls on the US Congress to do something about the rising tide of Internet pornography, preferably using technology to stick it in a ghetto where those who don't want to see it don't have to do so. The resolution, which passed both houses of the Utah legislature, was backed by CP80 ("Clean port 80"), group founded and headed by Ralph Yarro...Yarro now spends time trying to get "graphic" art pushed into its own corner of the Internet through his work with CP80, which wants Congress to legislate that all porn must use a series of alternate ports. Port 80, the main HTTP port, would be reserved as a "community channel."