Buzzkill Nintendo Pulls Plug On Red Hot NES Classic Edition

NES Classic 2
Let’s say that you have a hot-selling item that everyone seems to love. Whenever it is available in stores (online or brick and mortar locations), it sells out immediately. And factor in components so cheap that profits from the device must be pretty healthy. So, what would you do? Would you crank up production to meet demand, or discontinue the product altogether.? If you’re Nintendo, you do the latter.

We are sad to report that Nintendo is ending production of the NES Classic Edition. IGN first reported the news earlier today, and provided a statement from the Japanese game company explaining the decision:

Throughout April, Nintendo of America territories will receive the last shipments of Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition systems for this year. We encourage anyone interested in obtaining this system to check with retail outlets regarding availability. We understand that it has been difficult for many consumers to find a system, and for that we apologize. We have paid close attention to consumer feedback, and we greatly appreciate the incredible level of consumer interest and support for this product.

In addition, the company went on to add that they were really doing gamers a favor by producing the consoles this long — a representative for the company indicated that it did not intend for the console to be an “ongoing, long-term product”.

NES Classic Edition Console

Even after making numerous promises that there would be adequate supplies for all that wanted to get the retro console, Nintendo repeatedly failed to deliver. Back in early December, Nintendo stated:

The Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition system is a hot item, and we are working hard to keep up with consumer demand. There will be a steady flow of additional systems through the holiday shopping season and into the new year.

Well, we know how that turned out. So even though Nintendo claims to have extended production to meet the demands of customers, actually getting your hands on an NES Classic Edition has been incredibly difficult. Look no further than places like the Amazon Marketplace and eBay, where the console is still selling for $200 or more. The retail price for the console is “only” $59.99, so for it to still be selling for three times that price nearly six months after its launch shows that Nintendo was never able to get adequate supplies of the console into the channel for customers.