Destiny 2 How-To Guide: Obtaining The Heir Apparent And Its Catalyst

destiny 2 guardian games heir apparent catalyst
The Destiny 2 2021 Guardian Games have arrived. No Destiny 2 event would truly be complete without a few legendary and exotic items for Guardians to chase after or purchase. Here is how you can acquire the exotic machine gun Heir Apparent and its Catalyst.

What Is Heir Apparent And Its Catalyst

Heir Apparent is an exotic machine gun with two main perks. Heavy Slug Thrower requires players to spin up the weapon by clicking down on the aim button. Once fired up, the machine gun will shower your enemies with bullets. The second perk is Armor of the Colossus. It grants the user an arc shield if the weapon was spun up while the Guardian was at full health.

The Catalyst of course allows the weapon to generate Orbs of Power. However, it also grants a perk called Legion’s Bulwark. This perk increases the durability of the Arch Shield and will partially reload the weapon’s magazine if the shield is destroyed.

destiny 2 guardian games eva levante

How To Acquire The Heir Apparent

Heir Apparent was available during the 2020 Guardian Games and has not since been acquirable. Thankfully there is now a quest that can be finished during the event. Note that the quest for Heir Apparent and its Catalyst must be completed by the end of the event on May 11th or you will not be able to do so until next year’s Guardian Games.

Guardians will first need to pick up their Guardian Games’ class-item from Zavala and put it on. Guardians will then want to speak to Eva Levante and pick up the quest “The Game Begins.” This quest will require players to pick up 100 Laurels. Laurels are generated when a Guardian defeats enemies with their abilities such as Supers, grenades, and fully charged melee attacks. With the exception of Gambit and Crucible, Laurels must be physically picked up by the player or they will disappear. Unlike other items, Laurels will not be sent to the Postmaster. You can also no longer earn Laurels if the Laurel section of your Medal Case is full. We found Strikes to be a pretty quick way to earn these 100 Laurels.

destiny 2 guardian games laurels classes

Guardians will need to return to Eva Levante once they have earned 100 Laurels and pick up a Contender Card. Contender Cards are new to the 2021 Guardian Games. Guardians who do not already have Heir Apparent will receive the quest “Wreathed In Laurels” when they pick up the Contender Card.

“Wreathed in Laurels” is a fairly straightforward quest. Guardians will first need to collect fifty Laurels. Keep in mind that Laurels generated from Crucible or Gambit will not count towards this quest. Guardians must physically pick up the Laurels. Once again, the Strike playlist or a Nightfall strike is an efficient way to earn Laurels and most Guardians will acquire the fifty Laurels fairly quickly through these activities. 

Guardians will then be tasked with killing 100 enemies with a machine gun in the Daily Focus playlist. The Daily Focus playlist rotates between Strikes, Gambit, and Crucible. We would recommend equipping the “Machine Gun Scavenger” armor perk and waiting until the Daily Focus activity is Strikes or Gambit. Heavy ammo is rare in Crucible and it could therefore be difficult to get those required kills. Once you have killed 100 enemies, return to Eva Levante. You will then receive Heir Apparent. 

How To Acquire The Heir Apparent Catalyst

The Heir Apparent Catalyst quest randomly drops when Guardians turn in Gold or Platinum medals to the Podium during the Guardian Games. The completion of Contender Cards, Platinum Cards, and various Triumphs are your best way to increase your chances of receiving the Catalyst quest. Guardians can only hold three Gold and Platinum medals at once in the Medal Case they receive from Eva Levante at the beginning of the Guardian Games. Make sure to therefore frequently turn in those medals.

destiny 2 guardian games medal case

The first step of the Catalyst Quest will require Guardians to earn fifty medal points in total. Medal points are earned by completing “Medals” (function similarly to bounties) from Eva Levante, Contender Cards, and Triumphs. Here is the point breakdown:
  • Bronze: 1 point
  • Silver: 2 points
  • Gold: 5 points
  • Platinum: 15 points
Guardians should therefore focus on acquiring Gold and Platinum medals. We personally found that the Nightfall Contender Card was fairly simple and quick to complete.

destiny 2 guardian games contender card

Once Guardians have earned fifty medal points, they will be tasked with completing Contender Cards. Merely complete three of your favorite Contender Cards. Remember that you can only complete one Contender Card at a time. However, several Contender Cards could feasibly be completed in a few hours.

Guardians will then need to earn 90 “Competitive Spirit” by killing enemies with a machine gun during the Daily Focus playlist activity. We would recommend grabbing your machine gun of choice and waiting until Gambit or Strikes is the Daily Focus. This will be the best way to rake in those 90 “Competitive Spirits.” Guardians will unlock the Catalyst once they have completed this step. The Catalyst can be equipped once Guardians have used the machine gun to kill 700 enemies.

Images courtesy of Bungie