Marco Chiappetta
Wednesday, February 20, 2008, 02:30 PM EDT
Just in case you jumped right down to the news this afternoon, we’re popping in to let you all know that we’ve just posted a new article here at HotHardware in which we evaluate the features, performance, and overclockability of Corsair's current flagship Dominator TWIN3X2048-1800C7DFIN G DDR3-1800 memory kit. As its name implies, this 2GB (2 x 1GB) memory kit is rated for operation at 1800MHz with a CAS latency of 7. But it is also one of a select few memory kits to support Intel’s Extreme Memory Profiles, or XMP. And it turned out to be a heck of an overclocker too. Click the link below and check it out...