Are LCD manufacturers colluding to keep prices artificially high? If they are, they're doing a crummy job; LCD prices are plummeting. Regulatory agencies in Japan and The US are looking at Samsung, NEC, Sharp, AU Optronics, LG Phillips, and Chi Mei Optoelectronics anyway:
The companies are being investigated for allegedly curbing their output for the purpose of keeping LCD prices from falling too quickly, something that has been a great concern for some electronics manufacturers as of late. Sony's president Stan Glasgow told reporters last week that prices for LCD televisions will drop 25 to 30 percent this year, a more drastic drop than the company had anticipated. Glasgow indicated that such a trend could hurt the industry, but that such drastic cuts may not last. "LCDs will continue to experience heavy price erosion, but not at this level," he observed.
Sony reports they are not included in the probe. They are likely too busy causing panics at electronics stores to bother.
Read the whole thing here.