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Sandy Drew

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Apple announced yesterday a new iMac lineup based on the new Intel Core 2 Duo processors.  In the mix are 4 models with two having 17" Widescreen LCDs, one with 20", and one with a 24". The new iMac lineup includes four models: a 1.83 GHz and a 2.0 GHz 17-inch, a 2.16 GHz 20-inch and the all-new 2.16 GHz 24-inch iMac, and... Read more...
Just when you thought it could not get worse than Donald Trump attempting to Trademark "You're Fired!"; now it appears that Microsoft is looking to patent verbs to be used in a new conjugation system designed to assist in learning foreign languages: According to its patent application, the invention would overcome limitations... Read more...
DailyTech is reporting that Circuit City has launched a new 24hr house call service for most of your electronic needs.  Poised as a convergence and pc technological service, FireDog appears to be a direct competitor to Best Buy's Geek Squad.   The Firedog team is a 24-hour technology service that Circuit... Read more...
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