Items tagged with weather

If you were paying any attention at all yesterday, you probably noticed that the internet was ablaze with news of the incoming solar flares and the comensurate geomagnetic storms. It has since arrived, creating supercharged Northern and Southern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, which delivered dazzling light shows, most... Read more...
Hurricane Ian was captured from far above on Monday as the International Space Station moved over the colossal storm. The storm was still south of Cuba and making its way to Florida's Gulf Coast when the images from 260 miles above were captured. The International Space Station (ISS) passed above the then-Tropical... Read more...
There aren't many things that Apple can do that really get the Android community fired up and angry. Sure, Android fans might get annoyed when Apple tries to act as if it is the first to "perfect" hardware or software features that appeared on Android devices years before, but nothing has struck a chord quite like the... Read more...
Google may be an archrival of Apple, but you know what they say: keep your enemies closer. The search giant has never shied away from producing excellent apps for the iOS ecosystem. After all, a Google user on an Apple phone is still a Google user. In a bid to continue to expand its footprint in the Apple App Store... Read more...
Facebook is a social network that's maturing before our eyes. What started as a simple way for university students to keep in touch has blossomed into a company with publicly traded stocks, and with that comes an expectation to get better, slicker, and add more features over time. Google, on the other hand, has been... Read more...
With all due respect to meteorologists, the weather makes for a boring topic and the only time it should be discussed is when planning a trip or organizing an outside event. With that in mind, it only seems logical that Google would integrate a weather layer onto Google Maps, and that's exactly what the sultan of search has done. The weather... Read more...