Items tagged with Thanksgiving

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) showed that you can celebrate Thanksgiving and the holidays even while orbiting the Earth in space. The crew made a video of them sharing what they are thankful for this holiday season. Most of us in the United States are use to a Thanksgiving where we sit... Read more...
Google has just announced a slew of Play Store Cyber Week 2018 deals including one smoking deal that should help you unwind after a hectic day tomorrow eating turkey and visiting family members (either by choice or by force). The big headliner is the fact that Google will only be charging 99 cents for any of its movie... Read more...
On Thursday, some people visiting a selection of major news websites were surprised by a rogue popup saying that they have been hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army. The attacks seemed to have been focused on North American and British media organizations by the hacker group that is linked to the Assad... Read more...
This time of year is always busy for folks. And of course, never taking the easy route, we decided what the heck, let's make it ever busier for ourselves and launch a new engine with a fresh paint job for the Tech-charged web publication machine, we call It's a labor of love here for us you know, like a real family affair. Read more...
For those of you who celebrate the holiday, we hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and extended weekend. It was certainly a busy one for Instagram users, who uploaded more than 10 million photos mentioning Thanksgiving-themed words on Turkey Day, peaking at 226 photo uploads per second. The day broke all Instagram records thus far, the company... Read more...
It's Thanksgiving here in the US, a time of year when we all pause to reflect on how fortunate we all are. Thanksgiving is a great tradition when you stop and think about it. This holiday isn't about rushing around, shopping, etc. You might contest that Black Friday has made this holiday a little too over-commercialized, but not today, 11/22/2012... Read more...
It's Thanksgiving here in the US, a time of year when we all pause to reflect on how fortunate we all are. Thanksgiving is a great tradition when you stop and think about it. This holiday isn't about rushing around and buying gifts. The day after Thanksgiving certainly has become over-commercialized, but not today--11/24/2011--Thanksgiving... Read more...
In honor of Thanksgiving, the folks at Utah Aerials decided to take a quadricopter and turn it into a turkey. The idea was to have the turkey-copter drop pies on unsuspecting passersby. The stunt is documented below, but it brings back memoeies of the WKRP in Cincinnati episode "Turkeys Away." In that episode of the... Read more...
It's Thanksgiving here in the US, a time of year when we all pause to reflect on how fortunate we all are. Thanksgiving is a great tradition when you stop and think about it. This holiday isn't about rushing shopping, etc. The day after Thanksgiving certainly has become over-commercialized, but not today--11/25/2010--Thanksgiving Day. Today... Read more...
It's Thanksgiving here in the US, a time of year when we all pause to reflect on how fortunate we all are. Thanksgiving is a great tradition when you stop and think about it. This holiday isn't about rushing around and buying gifts. The day after Thanksgiving certainly has become over-commercialized, but not today--11/27/2008--Thanksgiving... Read more...
It's Thanksgiving here in the US, a time of year when we all pause to reflect on how fortunate we are.  Thanksgiving is a great tradition when you stop and think about it.  This holiday isn't about rushing around and buying gifts.  The day after Thanksgiving certainly has become over-commercialized but not today,... Read more...
On this day of Thanksgiving we'd like extend our sincere appreciation to you our readers and friends here at  Living in place like the United States, with the many gifts and privileges we're afforded, there are just so many things we can all be thankful for.  For example, the Disco Turkey... Happy Thanksgiving all! ... Read more...