Earlier this year, Google acquired a company by the name of Songza. Now, we're seeing some fruits of the integration. Playlists have become awfully important for all music apps, from Beats to Rhapsody to Pandora. And now, Google Play Music is joining the fun with curated music stations that respond to whatever it is...Read more...
Are you looking to listen to music to fit your energetic mood this morning? Perhaps there will soon be an option to do that on Google Play Music All Access. We can only assume that's part of Google's end-game for acquiring Songza, a streaming music startup similar to Pandora that's based out of New York City. Songza's twist in the streaming...Read more...
We’ve been getting used to billion-dollar-plus acquisitions lately, and thus a rumor that Google is in talks to buy streaming music service Songza for just $15 million doesn’t quite make ones eyes pop, but it’s still noteworthy that the search giant is working to enhance its product offerings. It...Read more...
Music subscription services today are like netbooks in 2009: everybody's making one, so your options are almost limitless. The latest to make some noise is Songza, which has just introduced a new ad-free version for those willing to open up their wallets just a bit. Presently, the service has racked up nearly five...Read more...