Items tagged with PowerVR
After an awkward situation with Apple back in 2017, UK-based graphics IP developer Imagination Technologies was in a dire state. The company was quickly snapped up by a state-backed private equity firm from China known as Canyon Bridge. Since then, ImgTec graphics IP has appeared in graphics components offered by...
Remember PowerVR? Unlike a lot of names from the early PC 3D accelerator market, PowerVR didn't fade away, it simply moved on. Unable to compete with high-powered silicon from NVIDIA and AMD (neé ATI), PowerVR shifted its focus toward the mobile market. This ended up being quite lucrative as it supplied several...
Gather around kiddies for a tale of the bad old days. You see, once upon a time, PC gaming wasn't as unified as it is now. Graphics card vendors (and even individual graphics cards) had their own proprietary APIs, and sometimes games shipped as special versions for a given graphics card, complete with custom assets...
If you're a PC enthusiast of a certain age, the name PowerVR might make you get a little misty-eyed and nostalgic. Chances are—just going by the numbers—you probably never had a PowerVR graphics card, but you surely saw the name alongside its proprietary SGL graphics API in games like Unreal, Interstate '76, and Tomb...
With the incredible amount of product that Apple pushes, and the company's knack for secrecy, it's easy to understand why Apple would want to use as much in-house hardware as possible. Doing so doesn't just allow Apple to claim that the lion's share of the technology in its devices is its own, but it allows them to to...
For the past few years, ARM has been steadily chipping away at rival PowerVR's domination of the Android and tablet GPU space. While Imagination Technologies dominated the early days of the industry, we've seen a number of competitors emerge since, thanks to aggressive products from Nvidia at the high end and...
For the last 20 years, NVIDIA has developed and used its own graphics IP in-house. While the company engaged in several prominent cross-licensing deals with companies like Intel, those deals never resulted in an Intel-branded graphics card or an equivalent product from another company. Today, that changes -- NVIDIA...
For over 10 years, the desktop and mobile graphics space has been dominated by two players: Nvidia and AMD/ATI. After 3dfx collapsed, there was a brief period of time when it looked as though Imagination Technologies might establish itself as a third option. Ultimately, that didn't happen -- the company's tile-based...
At the iPad 3 next-gen iPad unveiling this week, Apple flashed up a slide claiming that the iPad 2 was 2x as fast as Nvidia's Tegra 3, while the new iPad would be 4x more powerful than Team Green's best tablet. Nvidia's response, delivered by spokesperson Ken Brown, boils down to "Hey guys, it's flattering to be...
The Motorola Xoom was a notorious flop thanks to a sky-high price tag, features that didn't work for months (the company didn'ts tart upgrading the tablet to its promised 4G capability until late this fall), and a buggy implementation of Honeycomb that was a direct result of Motorola pushing too hard for an early launch. Moto, defiant in the...
The specs and capabilities of modern smartphones/handheld devices have been increasing rapidly for several years and according to the GPU developers of Imagination Technologies, the sky's the limit. The company owns and develops the PowerVR 3D architecture that dominates the mobile 3D segment; company reps at GDC this week have told journalists...
The fusion of the Internet and television, once thought to be as natural as peanut butter and chocolate, has proven to be a tricky problem for would-be content producers. Consumers have embraced direct downloads, but the concept of the television-as-interactive-device has never found traction in a shipping product. Intel wants to see that...
Some game companies have already made the statement that the iPhone is the future of gaming. With the addition of a PowerVR chip to the new iPhone 3GS, we are bound to see more, and better games come to Apple's hot device. Here's an example of a game that will work decently with any version of the iPhone, and any version of the...