Items tagged with Online Game
If you are a fan of the addictive Wordle game, then you might also love Adverswordle. Adverswordle is a fun alternative to the Wordle, where you try and stump an AI opponent instead of the other way around. Sounds easy, right? Well, there's more to it than that.
Wordle made headlines at the end of last year, and...
If you have done a Google search lately, you may have noticed an Easter egg that pays tribute to the insanely popular on-line game Wordle. The daily word puzzle has garnered a massive following in the last few months.
Wordle is a simplistic puzzle game that went viral late last year. Other devs tried to take...
It’s time to throw on your best hauberk and head to Tamriel. That’s right, The Elder Scrolls Online is taking names for a public Beta. Gamers who have been debating whether the online fantasy game will live up to the hype will finally have the chance to find out for themselves. What sets The Elder Scrolls Online apart from related...
This should be a clear indication of just why China has even opened Internet addiction clinics, shouldn't it?Chinese gamers spent USD 1.7 billion on online games in 2007, up 71 per cent from the prior year, according to market intelligence firm Niko Partners.The firm expects online revenue to reach USD 2.5 billion this year and USD 6 billion...
This will probably sound absurd to most of you, and rightfully so, but there's some question as to whether items obtained in an online game can be taxed. Even if there is no real world financial gain, player to player item transfers may one day be taxable. You know the saying, the only assurances in life are death and taxes, and without...