Items tagged with observatory

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Chandra X-ray Observatory, NASA released 25 never-before-seen images from the iconic telescope. However, because of budget cuts, NASA may be forced to bring the space telescope’s life to a premature end. The Chandra X-ray Observatory launched aboard the space shuttle... Read more...
Astronomers celebrated Hubble Space Telescope’s 34th anniversary of its launch this week by capturing an incredible image of the Little Dumbbell Nebula, also known as Messier 76. The distant nebula is located 3,400 light-years away in the northern circumpolar constellation Perseus. NASA’s Hubble telescope was... Read more...
An international collaboration of scientists has discovered the highest-energy light ever observed from the sun. These gamma rays also much brighter than scientists previously thought. Humankind has been trying to figure out the bright orb in the sky since the beginning of time. In more recent years, scientists... Read more...
A curious phenomenon where a massive filament of solar plasma broke off the sun's surface and is circling its north pole like a vortex has scientists both puzzled and excited. The images of the occurrence were captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) earlier this year. It is not unusual for scientists to... Read more...
A new discovery reveals a unique feature when it comes to some of Saturn's aurorae. Observations made with the W. M. Keck Observatory on Maunakea, Hawaii Island, shows that some of the ringed planet's aurorae are generated by swirling winds within its own atmosphere. This unique observation differs from all other... Read more...
An Earth Trojan asteroid has been confirmed by scientists, and it doesn't appear to be going anywhere anytime soon. The asteroid is more than a kilometer wide and is only the second known of its kind orbiting along with Earth around the Sun, and is the bigger of the two. Scientists in Chile using the SOAR... Read more...
NASA is always on the lookout for signs of life beyond Earth and new planets it could exist on. Astronomers at NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory may have discovered a new planet the size of Saturn in another galaxy (far, far away). NASA has recently been crunching new data coming in from its probe Juno currently... Read more...