It's probably fair to say that a good number of PC enthusiasts have pirated a copy of Windows once upon a time. It's also probably fair to say that a certain number of folks have had the thought "I'll go legit and buy my Windows this time!" One such fellow in South Africa had exactly that thought, but he couldn't get...Read more...
Have you ever wished that there was more Seinfeld, except visualized as a 1990s PC point-and-click game, and with completely nonsensical AI-generated everything? No? Well, that's too bad, because that's exactly what you get with "Nothing, Forever," an endless Twitch stream of exactly what we just described.
To be...
Boy, that GeForce RTX 3090 sure is a gigantic graphics card. At least, that's what we all thought when it came out. Now, the GeForce RTX 4090 has hit the market and made the last-gen "BFGPU" look positively puny. High-end graphics cards are getting bigger, and have been for some time. Gigabyte's Aorus Twitter account...Read more...
It is extremely rare for children to receive adulterated candy on Halloween, but it has happened a couple of times. For that reason, and because people are crazier than ever in 2022, it's a reasonable idea to go over your kids' haul before they dig in on Halloween night, just as this new cute PSA from DIY electronics...Read more...
Five Microsoft researchers and a Carnegie Mellon University student joined forces this year to answer one of life’s most pressing questions: Can a computer be funny? To find the answer, researchers developed as computerized funnyman, CAHOOTS, to make jokes based on what researchers know about online humor.
As the...
There comes a time in each parent's life when they have to have "the talk" with their children. Sometimes, this video shows, the talk it not necessarily about the facts of life. In this case, the video below shows "the talk" about desktop video cards. The foolish son is looking at an NVIDIA card when the video begins, but the father wants...Read more...