In the cloud game, there is so much competition, it's hard to keep them all straight sometimes. But of them all, two giants that are fun to watch duke it out are Google and Microsoft - especially when it comes to online documents.
While Google was ahead of the curve with regards to hosting office tools online...Read more...
It was a big deal when Microsoft finally pushed out Office apps for the iPad, but already Redmond has a Mountain View problem. Google is in hot pursuit of Microsoft on the desktop/cloud office productivity front with Drive apps, but the search giant has also now debuted mobile app versions of its Docs and Sheets...Read more...
You don't have to look far to find pundits that'll deny it, but you have to wonder if Microsoft is feeling threatened. Despite owning a colossal share of the desktop OS market -- a fact that isn't likely to change in our lifetimes -- the company's other facets aren't so well-grounded. Outside of the successful Xbox...Read more...
Up to now, there’s been a free version of Google Apps for Business and a premium version, but Google is changing that policy. Henceforth, all new Google Apps for Business customers will be required to pay $50 per user per year. Although customers will no doubt be a bit unhappy with the new structure, they are...Read more...
Google Docs have been used around these parts for years on end. Why load up Office when you can just handle things online? But one of the major issues with Google Docs has been editing and using them on mobile devices. Now, Google's making it easier to deal with them on Android-based devices. There's a new app up for download in the Android...Read more...
It's too early to make the call for sure, but it looks like Office's days are numbered. But then again, the same was said of physical discs, and although iTunes is making a huge dent in CD sales, people are still swooping in to buy console games on disc versus downloading PC titles en masse via Steam. At any rate...Read more...
Every other week or so, we get the feeling that Google is making strides in fully taking over the world. Be it search advancements, Android advancements or their drive into being an ISP, Google is getting their hands dirty with almost everything. Google Docs has been around for years, and while many tech enthusiasts...Read more...
What's one of the biggest nits with Google Docs? For many, it's the same thing that also allows collaboration and access to files anywhere: the online nature of it. That's going to start disappearing soon, however.Here's why I'm excited about this development. My migration from the desktop to 'the cloud' started with my Gmail account. I could...Read more...
To coin a phrase from a very well respected colleague, Ars Technica has a bit of "put your ass in the know tonight" (that's PYAITK) with a look-ahead at the DOCSIS 3 Cable Modem standard. Oh baby, glorious bandwidth! "Any geek will tell you that there's no such thing as "too fast" when it comes to broadband speeds,...Read more...