Items tagged with Cricket
The FCC has approved an AT&T acquisition of Leap Wireless, which includes Cricket and all of its 4.6 million customers--but the agency did not greenlight the deal without caveats. AT&T does get all of Leap Wireless’ spectrum, networking equipment, and “other assets”, but the company will have to divest spectrum in...
Apple neglected to mention that its new iPhone 5 device will be available to pre-paid customers, but rest assured, if you're not looking to tie yourself down to a two-year service agreement with AT&T, Sprint, or Verizon, you don't have to. Contract-free wireless carrier Cricket has announced that it too will offer...
Now things are really getting interesting in the smartphone arena. Just a few years ago, those who wanted an iPhone in the United States had one choice: AT&T. Today, it's available on three major postpaid carriers, and more importantly, it's joining the prepaid ranks as well. That's a huge move for Apple, and it...
Cricket today announced plans to sell pre-paid iPhone 4/S devices next month, which would make it the first (and only) U.S. carrier to do so. Customers will have two base models to choose from, an 8GB iPhone 4 in black or white for $400, or a 16GB iPhone 4S for $500, also available in black or white. To go along with...
Cricket may not strike you as being a major wireless player, but they're actually bringing on their fair share of customers; mostly folks who are tired of playing the contract game. And with that, comes expectations. With the major carriers jumping hastily to LTE, Cricket has announced a new deal with Clearwire (a five-year agreement) that...
Cricket recently made Muve Music service available to new Cricket markets across the nation. With the new additions, Muve Music is now available to 85 percent of the company's customers. For $55 per month, Muve Music provides unlimited voice, text, Web, video, unlimited music downloads to the mobile phone, and more. The new Muve Music markets...
Nokia's "Comes With Music" obviously saw its fair share of problems at launch, but there's clearly a market for subscription-based music. Rhapsody, Napster and even Apple have managed to get it right, and now Cricket is taking the next step by expanding their own music service to 13 new markets. The company's Muve...
Cricket's new mobile plan that was introduced today made a lot of waves. It's the first plan in America to include a music experience designed specifically for the mobile phone, and it definitely is making consumers consider Cricket as a carrier. The company has maintained a fairly low profile up until now, but having unlimited access to voice,...
Cricket apparently has a fetish for firsts. The wireless carrier claims it was the first one to introduce an unlimited wireless rate plan, and now the company is announcing the first wireless rate plan with unlimited music included. It's part of an "innovative new digital music service called Muve Music," and was designed specifically with...