The chances that your data has been exposed by hackers in the last 12 months is nearing 50%, and it’s probably not your computer that gave up the goods. It was one or more of the dozens of companies you trust to keep your personal information safe. A new study by CNNMoney estimates that the past 12 months have...Read more...
Intel is getting into the TV business, that much we already knew. But how soon? That's a question that's seemingly close to being answered. According to a new Bloomberg report, Intel -- the chip-making giant -- is "making progress in talks with Time Warner, NBC Universal and Viacom to obtain TV shows and films for a...Read more...
Not getting enough news in your day? With a 24/7 news cycle spinning around these days, there are plenty of options for learning about the goings-on in any locale. For those that can't get their CNN fix in enough ways, however, the company has announced that it will be the first news network to stream 24-hour coverage...Read more...
For the past few years, display manufacturers of every stripe have been singing the praises of 3-D displays and their various levels of support for the nascent standard. Consumers, unfortunately, haven't been playing along. Despite marketing initiatives, high-profile film releases, and prominent support for 3-D gaming from the likes of Sony...Read more...
The proposed cyber-attack against CNN has been called off, but it probably just goes to prove their initial point regarding basic rights issues such as freedom of speech & freedom of the press. If you haven't followed the story up until now, here's a little background:"Pro-China hackers had called for the attack in protest of the news...Read more...