Items tagged with carrier
Why use one of those old T-1 lines, when you could get similar speeds without wires? Wait, what? Sprint has talked up their 4G / WiMAX network for some time now, and while it has mostly been aimed at consumers, there's obvious interest coming from businesses as well. This week, Sprint launched what it's calling the first solution that offers...
We'll hand it to the major U.S. Carriers; for as much flack as they take on a daily basis, they have done a commendable job responding to disasters. Months back, all four of the major operators allowed Americans to phone Japan for free in the wake of the Japanese earthquake and resulting tsunami, and now Sprint is...
Are tablets that are tied to cellular networks and service plans less appealing than Wi-Fi only versions? Some people seem to think so. Although carriers such as AT&T and Verizon Wireless would like to use tablets such as Apple's iPad and the Motorola Xoom as key revenue makers, the high price of these tablets combined with additional...
4G is obviously the buzzword of the year in the mobile realm, and while carriers are pointing fingers and claiming that some companies aren't exactly being "truthful" with these claims, that's not stopping T-Mobile USA from saying that more 4G markets are being lit up. Granted, T-Mobile uses HSPA+ rather than WiMAX or LTE (two technologies...
Sprint's Simply Everything plan has been around for years. It has always allowed unlimited web, texting and calling for a flat rate. Nothing special there. But in recent months, many other carriers have begun to tweak their unlimited plans, transforming them from unlimited plans to "unlimited*" plans. There have been...
It has been a very, very long time since Sprint has had a tremendous amount of great news to report in a quarterly earnings statement. In fact, this most previous quarter is the company's best in five years when looking at customer gains. For years now, Sprint has been shedding customers left and right, with many...
It seems like just yesterday that we were complaining about the original iPhone's lack of 3G. Can you believe a phone launching in 2007 with only EDGE managed to sell so well? And now, just three years later, the world's focused on 4G. Most carriers haven't even developed their 3G networks in a manner that they are...
In the same way that people "view" AT&T in one sort of light, people tend to "view" Sprint in another. Sprint is oftentimes seen as the "laggard" of the bunch when it comes to viewing the major U.S. cell phone operators, regardless of whether or not that's legitimate. But the company has done a lot over the past...
Today Motorola announced which carriers would be debuting the Razr2 when it launches at the end of summer - and it seems like it's hitting almost all of them. For GSM, Cingular will be carrying the Razr2 V9; for CMDA, Alltel, Sprint, and Verizon Wireless will be the carriers of the V9m. T-Mobile: no such luck, mostly due to the carrier's...