Items tagged with BSOD

Windows has never been particularly helpful when encountering an error so severe that it warrants a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) and system restart. Rather than provide a plain English explanation of what went wrong, you're left scratching your head wondering what the flip UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP means and what... Read more...
It's been a long time since we've seen a dreaded "blue screen of death" (BSoD), but it's back and in the in the unlikeliest of places. Oddly enough, some Apple iPhone 5S owners are reporting BSoD errors, though they're a little different from the ones you may remember seeing on Windows desktops. Rather than spit out an obscure error code with... Read more...
Some enterprising hacker decided to test out gaming accessory maker Razer’s UK Razerzone store shopping cart by dropping in a 90% off coupon code. Then, the coupon code went viral, and people started buying Razer gear at firesale prices. Once Razer finally discovered the code, it quickly removed the company but was left with a very expensive... Read more...
OCZ just made available new firmware that's supposed to fix a handful of stability issues with certain SandForce-based solid state drives (SSDs). Affected SSDs include the Vertex 3 series, Vertex 3 Max IOPS series, Agility 3 series, and Solid 3 series. According to the release notes, the firmware addresses the following: Fixed a rare condition... Read more...
If you were one of the lucky people who wanted to try the new "Genius" feature of iTunes 8, and had an HP USB printer driver installed and said printer connection --- or perhaps a few other drivers --- you might have experienced the (yes, it's still part of Windows) tried and true BSOD when you plugged in your iPod.The BSOD was happening in... Read more...
Most of us who have used a Windows PC know what a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) is. Well, there could be no more perfect timing for a BSOD than this. Right when Li Ning was rounding the lip of the Bird's Nest during the climax of the torch-lighting ceremony, someone snapped this photo of the familiar BSOD most of us have seen at one time or... Read more...
Some users have been having issues with a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) after an installation. Apple has posted a support document on their site, which coincidentally also appears as the top search on the support page, indicating how prevalent the issue is.According to the support document the issue may be related to "third-party 'enhancement'... Read more...
All is not well in Apple-Land. Several threads on the Apple discussion forums indicate a defective batch of DVDs, as well as BSODs ("blue screen of death") after installation. Now, much as we always say about Microsoft, you can't expect 100% flawless behavior; there's no such thing as bug-free software after all. But the defective DVDs, on... Read more...
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