Audeze and Microsoft have partnered up to bring gamers a head-turning version of its popular Maxwell gaming headset. California-based headphone brand Audeze announced today that it will be releasing a limited-edition version of its highly respected Maxwell gaming headset. In partnership with Microsoft, the headset gains a striking ultraviolet Read more...
California-based audio technology brand Audeze is announcing the Maxwell, its latest ultra-low latency wireless PC and console gaming headset. It claims an 80-hour run time and auto-activating Dolby Atmos for the Xbox/PC version.
If you're looking for a purpose-built gaming headset to add to your shopping list, the...Read more...
The noisy convention floor of PAX East can be difficult ground for makers of audio accessories. That did not discourage the likes of high-end audio manufacturers Audeze (pronounced like “Odyssey”) and Antlion from making an impression at PAX East. Audeze focused on their gaming headphones at the show, but their models...Read more...