Reviews Of Desktop PCs, DIY PC Builds, All-In-Ones, And Small Form Factor PCs

In-depth product reviews and news of Computer Desktops, DIY PC Builds, All-In-One PCs, and Small Form Factor PCs. If it crunches numbers, pushes pixels, throws down the frag or provides a digital canvass for content creation, you'll find it there.

When we pause to think of some of the more memorable, market driving, changes to the computer industry, the advent of the mini-PC is one of the first to come to mind.  What started out as a single offering from Shuttle has grown into a market in and of itself, with new entries from a wide range of companies hitting the retail channel... Read more...
Shuttle went through a complete metamorphosis as a company a few years back, and they haven't looked back ever since.  Their wildly successful line of "XPC" small form factor (SFF) PCs has taken off like no other physical incarnation of the PC has in a very long time.  Not even Mr. Jobs could have predicted the kind of... Read more...
Although they now face some stiff competition from the likes of Biostar, Iwill, Soltek and MSI, among others, Shuttle deserves credit for almost single-handedly spurring the so-called small form factor revolution.  When they initially released the venerable SV24 almost three years ago, many PC lovers were immediately enamored by the tiny... Read more...
The Shuttle ST61G4 XPC ATi's Radeon 9100 IGP In Action... By, Marco Chiappetta January 26, 2004   A quick glance and Shuttle's XPC feature comparison table hints at one of the reasons why they have been so successful with their line of small form factor systems.  Browse over to that page and you'll see that they have consistently... Read more...
The Shuttle SB65G2 & SN85G4 XPCs They Just Keep Getting Better... By, Marco Chiappetta November 13, 2003   It has been almost two full years since we first got our hands on one of Shuttle's original small form factor systems, the SV24.  The first few products in their mini-barebones lineup, as it was then known, generated quite... Read more...
The Shuttle XPC SB61G2 Pint-Sized P4 Powerhouse! "Burned in" by Robert Maloney June 8th, 2003 A major trend in the technology industry is miniaturization.  It's no longer good enough to be the fastest or more technologically advanced anymore.  These days everything from cell phones to MP3 players to digital cameras, are... Read more...
The Shuttle XPC SN41G2 Small Form Factor + nForce2 = Perfect Combination By, Marco Chiappetta February 27, 2003 There is no denying that Shuttle Inc., started a trend that got PC enthusiasts and mainstream users interested in SFF (Small Form Factor) systems.  Way back in December of 2001, we took a look at the SV24, and were immediately... Read more...
Shuttle's SB51G XPC Mini Barebones The i845GE Based Mini-PC That Feels Full Sized By Dave Altavilla 11/20/2002 Alright, it's quiz time (and you thought you were getting off easy!).  What is perhaps the prominent technological advancement in Personal Computing, beyond high clock speeds with more processing power?  Come on now... use... Read more...
Shuttle's SS51G XPC Mini Barebones System The Baddest Mini of Them All! By, Jeff Bouton August 18, 2002   Ever since we saw the first mini PCs from Shuttle back in December, we've been impressed with the XPC Mini PCs themselves, as well as how quickly new models have become available.  Starting with the release of the SV24, the first... Read more...
Shuttle's SS40G XPC Mini Barebones System! A Big Package with a Small Footprint By, Jeff Bouton August 13, 2002   Ever since our initial introduction to the first mini barebones PC from Shuttle, we were intrigued not only with its ground breaking design, but with the prospects of future "mini" machines as well.  The SV24... Read more...
Shuttle's SS50 Mini Barebones System! Good Things DO Come in Small Packages! By, Marco Chiappetta May 30, 2002 For years, the only decisions computer user's had to make, dealt with speed and capacity.  How fast is the CPU?  How big is the hard drive?  How much memory is included?  These types of questions were heard by... Read more...
Shuttle's SV24 Mini Barebones System! Taking "Coolness" To a New Level! By, Jeff Bouton December 30, 2001 Today we will be straying a little from the norm with a review of a fairly uncommon type of system that has been making quite an impression around the internet in the last few months.  The SV-24 Mini Barebones System is... Read more...
  STB's Desktop TV   TV, FM Radio, Video Capture and Edit Delivered to your desktop!       This week we had the pleasure of testing a new product from the Industry Graphics Giant, STB Systems. I was more than happy to have the opportunity to check this board out, as I expected "the fun factor" to be high.... Read more...
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