Social Networking, Internet Lifestyle And Security News

Passionate about net neutrality? Facebook privacy issues freaking you out? Want to know more about the latest security breach? Here we'll cover the headlines that matter in our ever evolving digitally-connected lives and lifestyles around the world.

Quick, someone queue up Neil Sedaka's "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do," because that song describes how LinkedIn must be feeling after Twitter decided it was time to end their two-and-a-half-year partnership and move on. "Consistent with Twitter’s evolving platform efforts, Tweets will no longer be displayed on LinkedIn starting later today,"... Read more...
With the final item in the deluge of Apple posts, the company debuted iOS 6 and many of its over 200 new features. Predictably, Siri got plenty of attention in this OS update. She is now available in the iPad as well as the iPhone, and she speaks English, French, German, and Japanese, with new support for Spanish... Read more...
Another video chatting tool? Yep. As if Skype, Facetime and the other alternatives weren't enough, now one of the guys that had a hand in Facebook's development is launching a new video chatting platform that taps right into that network. Airtime is the project of Napster creator Shawn Fanning and tech overlord Sean... Read more...
AT&T confirmed that it is getting the new HTC Status this summer. The HTC Status is a phone designed specifically with Facebook and social networking in mind. In fact, the phone has a dedicated button that lets you share pictures and other content with friends on Facebook quickly and easily. The button lets you... Read more...
Rather than taking action against Sony that could affect end users, Anonymous is planning a public event that will target Sony stores in a 24-hour, in-store boycott around world on Saturday, April 16. The public Facebook event has more than 1,100 RSVPs at the time of this writing. The event is called Operation Sony and will begin at 12:00... Read more...
Do you recall a day when the Internet was first referred to as the "Intergalactic Network?"  Perhaps you recall a little company called CompuServe?  Okay, you're dating yourself now, so be careful.  The sad truth is we recall CompuServe all too well and a few other milestones along the way in this... Read more...
Twitter is huge. Facebook is enormous. MySpace is still a serious powerhouse. The bottom line? Social networks are a force to be reckoned with, and Americans are spending lots and lots of time on them. In a new study released this week, Nielsen reveled that United States citizens are spending more time than over on these sites. In fact, it... Read more...
In a somewhat surprising move, AOL has shelled out $850 million dollars to acquire social networking site Bebo. If you add Bebo's 40 million users worldwide to AOL's customer base for AIM and ICQ, AOL can now boast 80 million unique users. And AOL can show those 80 million users advertising while they're on their service. I imagine it's a... Read more...
It's called social networking iTunes-style.  Today Apple unveiled web widgets designed to facilitate social networking between iTunes users.  It allows customers to share their purchases, reviews, and favorite artists. Called My iTunes, the service includes three flash-based widgets that use a customers account information to create... Read more...
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