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Now we’re talking: Cisco is putting up hundreds of thousands of dollars in an effort to deliver the security solutions necessary to protect the growing wave of connected devices in the Internet of Things. IoT security is a huge deal, both because of the potential disasters that could befall individuals... Read more...
Earlier this week, we talked about Geeksphone's Blackphone, a smartphone that puts privacy and security front and center. In some ways, the goals of that phone might sound a little overkill for some, but after learning about Boeing's upcoming offering, it will seem like child's play. Boeing's phone doesn't seem to... Read more...
If you own an iOS device, there's a security update you should be aware of. As Apple explains it, without the patch "an attacker with a privileged network position may capture or modify data in sessions protected by SSL/TLS." This means if you're connected to an unsecured network, an attacker can peek at the data... Read more...
Although news about Target’s huge data breach broke almost two months ago, the post-mortem has persisted, and a security firm has posted a detailed breakdown of what went wrong. The story is unnerving, to say the least, as it’s not so much about system-wide failures or anything so big as it is about how... Read more...
Making lemonade out of a situation wherein his credit card info was stolen in the UK and the thief went on a shopping spree, PayPal president David Marcus took the opportunity to preach the gospel of PayPal. “My card (with EMV chip) got skimmed while in the UK. Ton of fraudulent txns. Wouldn't have happened if merchant accepted PayPal…”,... Read more...
Have you been feeling paranoid lately that you're being watched? Maybe you are. Thanks to the whistle-blowing efforts of former CIA employee Edward Snowden, we know that the U.S. government monitors all kinds of Internet activity, everything from instant messages and emails to Skype calls and more. Maybe your Facebook... Read more...
You're a unique individual. Not just in the way you look, dress, and act, but also in the way you smell. Don't be offended, we're not saying you smell bad, we're just having a little talk about science. If you didn't have a unique scent, it would be difficult for dogs to track you using their noses, but part of the... Read more...
Google is putting up a ton of cash for the taking as part of this year's Pwnium hacking competition at the CanSecWest security conference in Vancouver in March. More than $2.7 million is up for grabs, which will be doled out in chunks to hackers who discover security vulnerabilities in Google's Chrome operating... Read more...
Over the holidays, popular retailer Target admitted that it had been breached, with data of up to 40 million customers stolen. Weeks later, that number skyrocketed to 110 million. As we can now see, while it was Target that dominated the security headlines this past month, two other incidents seemingly flew under the... Read more...
We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating as we enter the era of the Internet of Things (IoT): Anything that’s Internet-connected can be hacked. We’ve seen it recently with TRENDnet IP cameras and warned about it with Nest (even as Google snapped it up in a $3.2 billion acquisition this week). And now, a security company... Read more...
According to security company Kaspersky Labs, hackers and cybercriminals are targeting gamers, with 11.7 million attacks on gamers in 2013 and some 4.6 million pieces of malware specifically designed to target them. Kaspersky says that’s about 34,000 attacks per day, on average. It’s perhaps not terribly... Read more...
As if Yahoo needed more bad press after the slow-boil frustration that is the new Yahoo Mail, at least one security firm found that the company’s homepage served up malicious ads to potentially millions of users, with likely thousands infected. Security firm Fox IT, which operates Security Operations Center service ProtACT reported that... Read more...
Earlier this week, news broke that a security exploit in Snapchat allowed hackers to claim some 4.6 million usernames and phone numbers from the service. The group responsible for the hack posted the list, with some information redacted, for all to see. Snapchat described the issue in a blog post, noting that it was... Read more...
Snapchat is learning the hard way that success comes at a price. While the photo- and video-sharing service explodes with users and rejects mind-boggling buyout offers from the likes of Facebook, it has also attracted unwanted attention from security pros and hackers. Days ago, Gibson Security wrote a post about a... Read more...
It'd be a little crazy to imagine ending 2013 without another breach-of-security story, so fortunate for us, BBC has come to the last-minute rescue. On December 25th, a Russian hacker is said to have listed a sale on a black market website that offered information about accessing a BBC server, something that US firm Hold Security picked up... Read more...
Mobile security has become an issue of increasing importance, as mobile use has skyrocketed in recent years while cybercriminals have simultaneously spent more time finding ways to attack. There are several solutions out there, but a major one is Samsung’s Knox. According to researchers at Ben-Gurion University... Read more...
If you’re responsible about managing passwords for your email and other online accounts, you’re probably juggling a bunch of memorized passwords or using software that stores them for you. The FIDO Alliance wants to make online passwords a thing of the past and have us providing our credentials via pluggable devices, thumbprints,... Read more...
Here's a bit of news that's far from deserving of a "Giddyup!": Thanks to the work of a botnet called "Pony", hackers have gained access to credentials for over 2 million individual accounts. These accounts span the entire gamut: Facebook, Twitter, Google (Gmail), and even a payroll service provider - perhaps the most... Read more...
At the end of any given year, it's usually pretty easy to draw up a list of things that the past 12 months will go down in history for. While there are a number of things that could make 2013's list, on the technology side of things, privacy and security will undoubtedly be at the forefront of many people's minds... Read more...
It seems that there's a lot more to the MacRumors story we reported over the weekend, and what's now becoming known is a bit worrying for anyone running vBulletin's forum software and users who contribute to communities that run on it. Previously, we discussed that tech site MacRumors experienced a database breach... Read more...
Breaching the security of a website or Web service should be one of the most difficult tasks on earth, but given the fact that not a week can go by where we don't learn of some security issue at a major firm, it's clear that most of the Web is seriously lacking in setting up proper barriers. In recent months, Adobe... Read more...
The upcoming console generation has proven itself to be quite different than those of past. One of the major changes, of course, is the move to the x86 platform both on the Microsoft and Sony side, and how this will affect things down the road (think: security) will be interesting to watch play out. Here's another major difference: A... Read more...
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