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Get ready to make room for one more mobile OS; Finland’s Jolla announced that it will unveil its Sailfish OS on November 21-22 at the Slush conference in Helsinki. Don’t expect much in the way of hardware, mind you, but the company will show off the UI and talk shop about the SDK and application ecosystem. The company is indeed... Read more...
Remember MeeGo? It was all set to be Nokia's next major smartphone push, and it was in the N9, but it was short-lived due to Windows Phone swooping in, stealing all of the glory, and effectively dashing MeeGo's hope of a real future. After all -- Nokia doesn't have the time, interest or resources to focus on two platforms. It's Windows Phone... Read more...
Hey, remember MeeGo, that mobile OS that everybody loved but Nokia effectively killed off when it went all in with the Windows Phone platform? The mobile OS that got splintered into Tizen, which is now a pet project of Intel and Samsung? Well, it looks like it’s back, apparently. According to a report from NetbookNews, Nokia is planning... Read more...
Nokia's ill-fated N9 launched today and may have already made history as the first phone to debut on the same day as its OS is canceled. The N9 will go down as the only MeeGo phone ever created and is the last major Nokia launch before the company transitions to an all windows Phone 7 lineup. It's hard to imagine the... Read more...
MeeGo's last hurrah might just be Nokia's N9. With support falling by the wayside every which way you look, folks have been wondering what would ever happen to an OS that had so much promise just a few years ago. Now, we might know. The lede was clearly buried in a press release from LiMo Foundation and the Linux Foundation, which announced... Read more...
If you’ve been eagerly awaiting a Nokia N9 running Meego, today’s news that the phone is now shipping offers a mixed bag. On the one hand, the phone will be available in many areas. On the other hand, once the N9 outlives its usefulness (which will no doubt happen quickly in the fickle and rapidly-changing mobile market), Meego... Read more...
Rumors have surfaced that Intel is bailing on MeeGo, the nifty open source mobile OS the company developed with Nokia. Digitimes first let fly that Intel was discontinuing MeeGo development. At this point it’s just a rumor, and Intel hasn’t made any announcements pertaining to it, although the Digitimes post stated that Intel “remains... Read more...
Nokia's in a weird place. As if they weren't already in a weird place. They decided long ago to side with Microsoft and use Windows Phone 7 as their smartphone OS, shuffling MeeGo under the mattress in order to do so. But the N9 was already in the development pipeline. And the N9 ran on MeeGo. So, Nokia decided to go... Read more...
Is it a shame that Nokia dumped MeeGo for Windows Phone 7? Only time will tell if the most significant mobile decision in this decade will pay off for both Nokia and Microsoft, but today we're getting a good look at what Nokia gave up in order to get it: MeeGo. This Linux-based OS was first crafted as a mix-up between Intel's Moblin and Nokia's... Read more...
It's unlikely that MeeGo has an incredibly bright future. Nokia's own CEO doesn't seem to hip on keeping it around as a long-term solution, and with Windows Phone 7 taking their full attention now, it's not surprising that MeeGo would be taking a back seat. But that's not stopping some companies from serving up MeeGo products that may have... Read more...
Heads-up, MeeGo fanatics! While the OS obviously has less support from major companies now than ever before, there's still a large amount of fans out there, and developers as well. The Meego Conference kicks off in San Francisco this week, and there's a new MeeGo release to go along with it. MeeGo 1.2 has just been revealed, with the new release... Read more...
MeeGo started out with such promise. It was a combined effort between Nokia and Intel, and it looked like it would soon become the go-to operating system for tablets and MIDs in the years ahead. But then, something happened. Something called iOS and Android, two operating systems that found their way onto tablets and have since dominated the... Read more...
Intel is on record as talking about MIDs, netbooks, and the device ecosystem it envisioned in between long before much of the current tablet craze, but the company has been oddly quiescent in recent months. Talk of dual-core ARM-based products, from Tegra to the iPad 2, has dominated the industry, with scarcely a peep from Intel. As of now,... Read more...
Microsoft's demonstration of Windows 8 running on ARM processors may have been one of the major events of CES, but the OS's 2012/2013 release date has been criticized as a day late and a dollar short. One of the tidbits that slipped out of CES is that IT analysts aren't the only ones frustrated with Redmond's timetable. Intel Senior VP and... Read more...
There's a MeeGo Conference ongoing in Dublin, Ireland right now, and AMD is making some fairly big news there. As a little back-story, MeeGo is the realized result of Intel's Moblin and Nokia's Maemo, smashed together to become a powerhouse open-source OS. It's meant to work on smartphones and tablets, and designed to rival Windows 7, Android... Read more...
MeeGo 1.1 was released on Monday. This is the official call to device makers and developers to build us a new class of Linux-based Intel Atom and ARMv7 devices. Version 1.1 includes a user interface for smartphones and for netbooks but not for tablets. This didn't stop yet another round of rumors over a Nokia MeeGo tablet. The release of MeeGo... Read more...
Well, what do you know? It's the executive shuffle in the mobile world! It sure looks like fun, and according to All Things D, the same man that designed last month as the head of Nokia's MeeGo division is now an employee of Palm. It seems like a round-robin of high-level executives, but we aren't too surprised. Ari Jaaksi has a track record... Read more...
ntel and Nokia aren't too similar. One focuses on cellphones, one focuses on processors. But both are major corporations with major faces in the technology world, and both stand to learn a lot from working with one another. In fact, they already have. The two have worked together in order to create MeeGo, which is the combination of Maemo... Read more...
Usually, it's rather difficult for a new operating system to find traction. There's already quite a few options on the market, and people are rarely out searching for new operating systems when the ones available to them seemingly handle their needs quite well already. But MeeGo, which was created out of Intel's Moblin and Nokia's Maemo converging,... Read more...
Day 1 is always a scary thing, but the coders at MeeGo are diving right in. Recently, a lot has been revealed about MeeGo. It'll be hitting tablets, it'll be hitting x86 devices, and it will definitely be hitting smartphones. We're assuming that it'll be loaded onto Nokia phones at first due to Nokia's influence on the OS (it's part Maemo... Read more...
Whatever happened to Nokia? Just a few years ago, this company was living large, well atop every other cell phone maker in the world. Their market share from a global perspective was pushing 50%, and they seemed unstoppable. But now, investors are jumping ship and their market share is diving, and they've yet to... Read more...
It's a Toshiba kind of day, isn't it? In celebration of the company's 25th anniversary in the notebook business, the company is using the AC100 as their grand finale. And what a finale it is. This is the first smartbook we've seen come to light in quite a few months, and the promises held here are just astounding... Read more...
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