Search Results For: hulu.aspx

We've always heard that something's "on" when it hits the mainstream, so we guess it's about time we finally confessed that Internet TV has emerged from the closet. For the longest while, Hulu, Boxee and the like dominated the underground Web TV content scene, but it wasn't too long ago that major cable companies like Comcast and Time Warner... Read more...
Michael Jackson's funeral is predicted to be the biggest event in entertainment history. Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to show up around the memorial service in the Staples Center, Los Angeles to pay their respects to the late, great King of Pop.  Such a rare and emotional event demonstrates how people have adopted new... Read more...
We're not entirely sure if this is the mythical "quadruple play" bundle that cable companies had in mind, but whatever the case, it works for Comcast. With mobile broadband usage on the rise and pay-TV seeming less and less potent with the introduction of Hulu and the like, Comcast is making sure to grasp as many revenue generating businesses... Read more...
The day so many had hoped to put off forever is almost here: June 12. That's the day when all broadcast channels must transition to digital broadcasting and millions of viewers across the nation will end up without TV service. The horror!While most people anyone with cable or satellite television, for example won't be affected, there are... Read more...
Paramount, MGM, and Lionsgate have jointly announced the launch of Epix, an online HD streaming service and HD TV station that will make it possible for users to watch films from these three studios for free in HD. Although currently in private beta, Epix will offer movies from each of these studios via a cable TV network channel as well as... Read more...
In an effort to "provide the best video viewing experience possible" on our "lappity-toppity boxes," Hulu has launched a desktop app that eliminates the need for a browser when watching vids.They thought of all their fans, and created a PC and a Mac version. It gives you a full-screen view that you can control with your mouse and keyboard... Read more...
Hulu has suffered its fair share of criticism from dissing Boxee, but now that things seem to be ironed out between the two, we're thrilled to hear that more content is coming to the online video portal. Hulu and The Walt Disney Company today announced that Disney, through a subsidiary of ABC Enterprises Inc., has agreed to join NBC Universal,... Read more...
Rich Morin, co-author of an interesting new study in the world of consumer electronics, probably said it best when he concluded that there is "nothing like hard times to focus the minds of the public on what they need and dont need." The aforementioned study polled one thousand Americans via landline and cellphone in early April regarding... Read more...
According to recent reports, a dedicated Hulu application could be available for the iPhone in just a few months. The application will reportedly work over Wi-Fi and AT&Ts 3G network, thereby enabling users to view programming anywhere a fast data connection is available. There were rumors of a similar application about this time last... Read more...
YouTube on Thursday took aim at its biggest competitor, Hulu, announcing it would begin offering movies, TV shows and content from studios such as Crackle/Sony Pictures, CBS, MGM, Lionsgate, Starz, the BBC, Anime Network, Cinetic Rights Management, Current TV, Discovery, Documentary Channel, First Look Studios, IndieFlix, National Geographic... Read more...
The Walt Disney Company is discussing a deal with Hulu in which Disney could take an equity stake in Hulu in exchange for providing the video portal with ABC programming, according to multiple sources speaking with paidContent. The media giant would provide at least ABCs TV programming such as Lost and other popular shows. Its possible the... Read more...
These days, it's all about social networking. If your app doesn't integrate "friends" in one way or another, chances are it won't last long in today's hyper-connected universe. Thus, it makes perfect sense to see Hulu adding a splash of friendship on its very first birthday. Believe it or not, the online video portal -- which has been under... Read more...
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