Search Results For: exoskeletons

Researchers are looking to target haptics for AR/VR at the second most sensitive and dense of mechanoreceptors, the mouth. So, if you have ever felt your VR/AR experience has been lacking a bit of taste, this will give you something to chew on. Virtual and augmented reality has been making strides in terms of... Read more...
For people who work jobs that have them performing the same exact movements for hours a day each day, on-the-job repetitive stress injuries are a big concern. Ford wants to help its employees be safer and have fewer injuries, which in turn prevents worker pain and helps keep things rolling in the factory. To help its... Read more...
There's no doubt that 3D printing is one of the coolest technologies released over the past decade, and given all we've seen from it up to this point, there's also no doubt that it's going to be a big part of our future. While today's 3D printers are still limited in what they can do, they've already been capable of... Read more...
Building exoskeletons to aid persons or animals is nothing new, and in recent years, we've seen numerous examples of them being built with the use of 3D printing. For those who need them, they can reintroduce some lost capability back into their lives or introduce new-found capability. However, as the US Army... Read more...
It's hard not to get excited about Activision's upcoming Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare title after watching the recently released trailer showing game footage from Microsoft's Xbox One console. The storyline, while not completely new, is certainly intriguing, and the voice acting headlined by Kevin Spacey is simply... Read more...
3D Systems announced that it has collaborated with EksoBionics to build a 3D-printed hybrid exoskeleton robotic suit that ostensibly will allow users with paralysis of the lower extremities to walk upright. A woman named Amanda Boxel was the test pilot for the suit (although this isn’t the first time she’s... Read more...
Exoskeletons definitely have military uses, but what about something for regular folks? You might think none of them would need an exoskeleton, but there's an obvious use case: paraplegics. On Thursday, Berkeley Bionics, an San Francisco Bay Area company founded in 2005, unveiled what it calls eLEGS. eLEGS stands for Exoskeleton Lower Extremity... Read more...
How would you feel about a robot asking, Would you like fries with that? when you ordered a Big Mac? Well, if the National Intelligence Councils recent Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World is correct, we could be experiencing just that by 2025. Granted, its a few years down the road, but the idea that robots could be so capable to replace... Read more...
The fashionable soldier of tomorrow will rip off the flak jacket and store the camo for a trip to the mall. If the military magnates at Raytheon have their way, soldiers will be donning futuristic exoskeletons before heading into combat. Sweet! Described as a "wearable robot" on the Raytheon site, the exoskeleton looks extremely clunky...yet... Read more...