Search Results For: bioshock.aspx
For those of us who find most mobile games to be unengaging, the rise of so-called “premium” games on mobile platforms is a welcome development. Big names have been trotting out the likes of Modern Combat 5: Blackout (Gameloft) and Mass Effect: Infiltrator (EA), which tend to carry high price tags, but pack better graphics and...
The topic of immigration in the US is a hot one at the moment, with people on either side of the fence (no pun) vehemently arguing their beliefs. Clearly, this isn't a topic appropriate for a site like HotHardware, but leave it to none other than Fox News for giving us something to glean from it all. In a recent broadcast of Fox & Friends,...
Ken Levine, head of Irrational Games and lead designer on last year's smash hit, BioShock Infinite, has announced that Irrational Games is essentially shutting down with all but 15 personnel laid off as the company transitions towards building different kinds of games. Levine didn't offer much in the way of hints...
If you’ve been waiting for the right time to pick up Bioshock Infinite, that time has come. Valve just launched the Steam Summer Getaway Sale, which features 12 days of massive discounts on game titles big and small. Valve likes to kick off the Summer Sale with a big discount on a particularly big title, and...
Tomorrow morning, the long-awaited Bioshock Infinite will launch. Unlike the previous Bioshock titles, which focused on the doomed undersea city of Rapture, the new game takes place decades earlier -- and in the sky. In Bioshock Infinite, you play as Booker DeWitt, a former agent of the non-fictional Pinkerton Detective Agency. You're tasked...