Seagate Barracuda 3TB 7200RPM HD Review

CrystalDiskMark Testing

CrystalDiskMark is a synthetic test that evaluates both sequential as well as random small and large file transfers. It does a nice job of providing a quick look at best and worst case scenarios with regard to hard drive performance, best case being large sequential transfers and worse case being small, random 4K transfers.

CrystalDiskMark Benchmarks
Synthetic File Transfer Tests

On the whole, the Barracuda 3TB struggled somewhat with CrystalDiskMark. The only test in which it bested the rest of the field was in the Sequential Transfer read test. In the 512K transfer test, it hung with the Barracuda XT 3TB, and the two easily outpaced the other drives. In the remainder of the tests, however, the Barracuda 3TB posted mediocre scores.

We do see a pattern emerging where the Barracuda 3TB’s read scores are often a clear cut above the field, but its write scores are mostly on par with or under the other drives’.

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