AOpen DRW4410 DVD+R/RW Drive


The AOpen DRW4410 4x DVD+R/RW Drive
A drive that won't burn through your budget!

By Robert Maloney
December 4, 2003

In the next round of tests, we ran a few "real world" examples of CD/DVD recording performance.  We focused on CD-R and DVD+R recording to give a few examples of each drive's performance.  Each one of the write tests was completed using Ahead Software's Nero 6.0 Ultra Edition.  We then finished off with some MP3 encoding using Music Match 8.0. 

CD/DVD Write Tests
The Burning Question...

Nero CD-R Write Analysis:

The first test we ran was a CD-R write test.  In this test, we recorded 702MBs of MP3 music files from the hard drive to Memorex CD-Rs rated for 48X.  The CD was finalized as a non-multisession disc.  We wrote down the times shown at the end of the burning process for both drives and compared the two:

It should be expected that the AOpen DRW4410, with it's 24X CD-Write capabilities, outpaced the 16X Teac DV-W50D by a minute and twenty seconds.  4:13 seconds may not be the fastest time we have ever seen when burning a CD, but it's hard to really complain about.  Especially when you consider that if you're getting a DVD burner, you're probably going to be more interested in making DVDs, as we will see in the next graph.

Nero DVD+R Write Analysis:

Next, we set out to backup all of the files from our a volume on our testing hard drive.  The assorted large and small files on this drive totaled 4.43GBs, just enough to mostly fill up our TDK DVD+R discs rated for 4X burning.  Again, we timed burning the same set of files on both drives.

Although both drives are rated as 4X burners, the Teac completed the process in just under 14 minutes, while the AOpen DRW4410 finished at 15:21.  That's makes the AOpen drive almost 10% slower when burning a complete DVD.  At this point in time, we've seen a couple of firmware updates on AOpen's website that are meant to improve reading performance, but nothing to speed up the writing aspect.

MP3 Encoding with MusicMatch 8.0

In our last test we loaded MusicMatch 8.0 and a 69 minute audio disc to test the drives capabilities while ripping MP3s.  We set the quality to 192Kbps and turned off error correction to show the best possible performance attainable with each drive.

The two drives completed ripping all eleven tracks in roughly the same amount of time.  In essence, we took 69 minutes of audio and ripped them into 11 small files in less than a quarter of that time.  There's really no way to declare either drive as being better than the other here, so we'll just move on to our conclusion..

Overall, the AOpen DRW4410 performed very well.  It supports almost all CD and DVD reading formats, although writing is limited to DVD+R and CD-Rs.  It's not the fastest CD burner out there, but four minutes is hardly a long wait, and digital audio extraction was right on the mark.  DVD burning was somewhat slower however, than competitive drives, which was not very promising.  Another small sticking point was the relatively high seek times and CPU utilization it posted, especially at higher speeds.  What we feel will really help sell this package is it's price point.  Currently selling as low as $95 on some major reseller websites, the AOpen DRM4410 is a deal hard to beat.  This may actually be the first DVD Writer we have seen to dip below the $100 mark, and will undoubtedly help pave the way for broader adoption of DVD burners in mainstream end user systems. 

We'll give the AOpen DRW4410 DVD+R/RW CD-R/RW drive an 8 on the HotHardware Heat Meter.

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Tags:  DVD, drive, pen, Ive, Open

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