Your Hot Hardware Makes Lousy Bonfires
Will someone please explain to me why I have to paw through my trash like a drunken raccoon to sort out recyclables like paper and glass and plastic bottles - stuff that costs more energy and resources to recycle than it's worth, and is essentially chemically inert-- while we just heave tons of little CPU Chernobyls into the landfill? Or worse, send them to Africa where they end up burning them and literally die from the smoke? Look what's in a discarded computer:
We send the stuff to Africa with the best of intentions:re-use. But a 486 with a busted cathode ray tube porthole monitor and a fried motherboard needs to be called what it is-- trash. Someone should open a computer recycling plant in Africa, give all those people a job in it, and pretty soon they'd be buying a Playstation 3 instead of burning Commodore Amigas in a bonfire.