Wolfenstein II Gameplay Trailer Brings Brutally Intense Nazi Beatdowns And Is Totally NSFW

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We got our first taste of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus earlier this year at E3 when a trailer was released for the highly anticipated game. As the follow-up to 2014's Wolfenstein: The New Order, Wolfenstein II: New Colossus sees the American spirit paralyzed, as the Nazi's scored a decisive victory during World War II and have extended their dominion to the United States.

If the first trailer wasn't enough to get you pumped, then this new gameplay trailer will definitely get you in the mood for some Nazi curb stomping. However, let’s first set the stage, courtesy of developer Bethesda:

They've turned Manhattan into a wasteland. They’ve walled off New Orleans and are systematically purging the city, burning people and homes to the ground. And they brazenly walk the streets of small-town USA – going where they want, taking what they want and behaving however they please.

Of course, our long-serving hero BJ Blazkowicz isn't about to stand by and let some Nazi scum overrun his country, and with the help of some of his friends, helps to lead the Resistance to take America back. "America, they don't have the fightin' spirit anymore," laments a female Resistance member decked out with a kickass afro and a wicked potty mouth. "The just do whatever the f**kin' fuhrer tells them to do."

The thought of another country invading America is a startling one, as is the sight of goose-stepping, faceless Nazi soldiers parading down city streets. It is sure to make many gamers' blood boil, which is enough to fuel them to jump right into action.

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There's plenty of action in the trailer, and definitely lots of blood and gore. There are waves of headshots, explosions, flamethrowers, knifes to the face and glorious mech beasts that you'll have to take down with heavy weaponry. In case you aren't already getting vibes from what we've written so far, this is a definite NSFW trailer. Actually, we're quite certain that you'll be getting a visit from HR if you decide to watch this in your cubicle. That label is mostly for the violence, and also for a relatively brief scene which involves a German woman getting, uhh, "friendly" with a Resistance member.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus launches on October 27th for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Windows PC. It will arrive (surprisingly) on the Nintendo Switch in 2018.