What Would You Give Up For Your Phone?
The poll of 1,000 Americans, half men and half women over the age of 18, also revealed some barriers to smartphone ownership, including confusion about the assortment of models and features, difficulty with the shopping experience, and notions that smartphones are too expensive. Despite these barriers, the survey notes that a sizable segment of users in their 20’s and 30’s are considering purchasing a smartphone in the year ahead.
A few other interesting statistics from the survey:
- 58% of smartphones users feel it is important to be able to listen to music on their phone
- 41% of smartphone owners feel social networking is important
- Only 36% of smartphone owners said being able to play games is important
- Almost half (49%) of Americans without smartphones believe that people who use smartphones are too connected to their jobs at all times. This is particularly true in the older generations: 30% of adults 18-24 feel this way versus 60% of adults 35-49.
- 62% of all Americans with mobile phones say they use text messaging, and one in four Americans have spied and read someone else’s text messages without permission
- 23% of Americans admitted to TWI (texting while intoxicated)

Noteworthy gender differences:
- 71% of women said sending text messages is “very important” compared to 46% of men
- 55% of women valued the ability to take digital photos; only 30% of men valued this functionality
- A calendar application that synchronizes with a computer is more important to men than women (46% versus 39%)
- 14% of women ranked playing games as very important compared to 9% of men