TeamKill Reveals 'Vulgar' Reason Why Dinosaur Horror Game Code Violet Is Skipping PC

The developers have posted a statement on the lack of PC support on X (formerly Twitter). It all comes down to the vulgarity of PC modding. "We do not want anyone modding vulgar versions of the main character as well as other characters in the game," says TeamKill. The developers seem offended at the idea someone might want to corrupt their interstellar, time-traveling dinosaur horror game with anything of a sexual nature, saying such mods would be "making a joke out of our art."

On the other hand, it is inevitable that some sexual mods will appear for any popular title—even when there's nothing even remotely sexual about a character. For example, there is a popular Baldur's Gate 3 mod that gives a skeleton character giant, heaving bosoms. So, it is a foregone conclusion that TeamKill's ostensibly attractive characters would fall victim to horny modders. Game devs have occasionally worked to stop mods they consider inappropriate, for example when CD Projekt Red trashed a sexy Cyberpunk mod featuring Keanu Reeves.
Is that sufficient reason to deny the game to PC gamers? Far be it for us to discount TeamKill's stated rationale. However, this sounds like it could be an excuse with a kernel of truth.