Star Citizen's Insane Legatus Pack Includes 117 Ships For $27,000
Star Citizen is a game that has lured gamers that like simulations games to explore the depths of space and blow up fellow explorers for years now. The game made the news back in December of 2016 when the devs made the decision to dump Crytek's CryEngine and move the entire game over to Amazon Lumberyard. That move resulted in a suit for breach of contract being brought against Cloud Imperium Games by Crytek the following year. Star Citizen is in the news again for an insanely expensive in-game purchase that only the well-heeled will be able to afford.
The in-game purchase is essentially a ready-made fleet that packs 117 different spacecraft into a pack along with lots of other items. There are 163 other items including upgrades, skins, and in-game posters. The cost of the pack you ask? How about $27,000. We mere plebs can't even look at the purchase page for the Legatus Pack.
You must have spent at least $1,000 in the game to have the privilege of looking. Thankfully, someone on the Robert Space Industries forums has a rundown and a nice screenshot of the page for the pack. Star Citizen has done extremely well at squeezing money out of players since it launched. The game raised $200 million in crowdfunding since it hit Kickstarter back in 2012. Reports indicate that the game raked in $35 million last year alone from in-game purchases. Part of that is from gamers buying up virtual plots of land at $100 each.
A rundown of the ships in the pack according to the forum is below (be prepared for LOTS of scrolling):
- Javelin
- Consolidated Outland Pioneer
- 890 JUMP
- Idris-P Frigate
- Idris-M Frigate
- Avenger Stalker
- Avenger Titan
- Avenger Titan Renegade
- Avenger Warlock
- Eclipse
- Gladius
- Gladius Valiant
- Aegis Hammerhead
- Reclaimer
- Redeemer
- Retaliator Bomber
- Aegis Sabre
- Sabre Comet
- Vanguard Harbinger
- Vanguard Hoplite
Vanguard Sentinel - Aegis Vanguard Warden
- AEGIS Vulcan
- Carrack
- Anvil Crucible
- Hornet F7C
- F7C Hornet Wildfire
- F7C-M Super Hornet
- F7C-R Hornet Tracker
- F7C-S Hornet Ghost
- Gladiator
- ANVIL Hawk
- Anvil Hurricane
- Terrapin
Xi'An Khartu-al- Nox
- Nox Kue
- MPUV Cargo
- MPUV Personnel
- Defender
- Banu Merchantman
- Mustang Alpha
- Mustang Beta
- Mustang Delta
- Mustang Gamma
- Genesis Starliner
- Hercules Starlifter A2
- Hercules Starlifter C2
- Hercules Starlifter M2
- Drake Buccaneer
- Caterpillar
- Caterpillar Pirate Edition
- Cutlass Black
- Cutlass Blue
- Cutlass Red
- Drake Dragonfly Black
- Drake Dragonfly Yellowjacket
- Herald
- Esperia Vanduul Blade
- Esperia Vanduul Glaive
- Prowler
- P-52 Merlin
- Kruger P-72 Archimedes
- MISC Endeavor
- Freelancer
- Freelancer DUR
- Freelancer MAX
- Freelancer MIS
- Hull A
- Hull B
- Hull C
- Hull D
- Hull E
- Prospector
- MISC Razor
- MISC Razor EX
- MISC Razor LX
- Reliant Kore - Mini Hauler
- Reliant Mako - News Van
- Reliant Sen - Researcher
- Reliant Tana - Skirmisher
- Starfarer
- Starfarer Gemini
- 100i
- 125a
- 135c
- 300i
- 315p Explorer
- 325a Fighter
- 350r Racer
- ORIGIN 600i Exploration Module
- ORIGIN 600i Touring Module
- 85X
- M50
- Origin X1
- Origin X1 - FORCE
- Origin X1 - VELOCITY
- Aurora CL
- Aurora ES
- Aurora LN
- Aurora LX
- Aurora MR
- Constellation Andromeda
- Constellation Aquila
- Constellation Phoenix
- Constellation Phoenix Emerald
- Constellation Taurus
- RSI Orion
- Polaris
- RSI Ursa Rover
- Tumbril Cyclone
- Tumbril Cyclone AA
- Tumbril Cyclone RC
- Tumbril Cyclone RN
- Tumbril Cyclone-TR
- Tumbril - Nova Tank
- Captured Vanduul Scythe
- Origin Rover
- F7A Military Hornet Upgrade
- Endeavor Bio Dome (2x1)
- Endeavor Bio Dome (2x1)
- Endeavor Supercollider (2x2)
- Endeavor Service Equipment & Crew (2x1)
- Endeavor Fuel Pod (2x1)
- Endeavor Landing (2x1)
- Endeavor Medical Bay (2x2)
- Endeavor Research Lab (2x1)
- Endeavor General Science (2x1)
- Endeavor Telescope Array (2x1)
- Retaliator Front Cargo Module
- Retaliator Rear Cargo Module
- Retaliator Front Dropship Module
- Retaliator Front Living Module
- Retaliator Rear Living Module
- VFG Industrial Hangar
- UEE Land Claim License Lot Parcel
- UEE Land Claim License Estate Parcel
- GreyCat Lot Geotack Planetary Beacon
- GreyCat Estate Geotack-X Planetary Beacon
- Outpost Construction Material
- Greycat PTV
- Set of 9 Campaign Skins
- Electro Skin Hull
- Ribbon Fish (Vario Vittas)
- Thorshu Grey
- Menarik
- Oshi
- Vindel
- Midas Fish
- Fishtank Mark 1
- Origin Racing Suit
- Model II Arclight Sidearm
- "Be A Hero" Poster
- "We Want You" Poster
- "350R" Poster
- "Cutlass" Poster
- "Freelancer" Poster
- "Hornet" Poster
- "Retaliator" Poster
- "Gladiator" Poster
- RSI Constellation poster
- Murray Cup poster
- UEE Environment Coat
- E&I M34 Restraint System
- FACTION-9 Baton
- Hartwell Music Sentinel 88G
- Skull and Crossbones Skin
- 600i Poster
- Takuetsu 600i Model
- Takuetsu Origin 890 Jump
- 890 JUMP Poster
- Anvil Carrack Poster
- Takuetsu Carrack model
- Takuetsu Cyclone Model
- Tumbril Cyclone Poster
- Defender Poster
- Takuetsu Defender Model
- Drake Dragonfly Poster
- Takuetsu Dragonfly Model
- MISC Endeavor Poster
- Takuetsu Endeavor Model
- Takuetsu Genesis Starliner Model
- Genesis Starliner Poster
- AEGIS Hammerhead poster
- AEGIS Hammerhead model
- Drake Herald Poster
- Drake Herald Model
- ANVIL Hawk Model
- ANVIL Hawk poster
- Takuetsu Hull C Model
- Hull C Poster
- Takuetsu Hurricane Model
- Anvil Hurricane Poster
- Tumbril Nova Tank Poster
- Tumbril Nova Tank Badland Box
- Tumbril Nova Tank Badland Model
- Tumbril Nova Tank UEE Army Box
- Tumbril Nova Tank UEE Army Model
- Tumbril Nova Tank Badland Skin
- Tumbril Nova Tank Snowblind Skin
- Takuetsu Nox Model
- Nox Poster
- RSI Orion Poster
- Takuetsu Orion Model
- Consolidated Outland Pioneer Model
- Consolidated Outland Pioneer Poster
- Takuetsu Polaris Model
- Polaris Poster
- MISC Prospector Poster
- MISC Prospector Model
- Prowler Poster
- Takuetsu Prowler Model
- Aegis Reclaimer Poster
- Takuetsu Aegis Reclaimer
- Takuetsu Terrapin Model
- Terrapin Poster
- Vanguard Harbinger Poster
- Vanguard Harbinger Model
- Vanguard Sentinel Model
- Vanguard Sentinel Poster
- Takuetsu Hoplite Model
- Hoplite Poster
- Origin X1 Poster
- Origin X1 Model
- Origin X1 Scarlet Skin
- 85X Poster
- Takuetsu 85X Model
- Vanduul Blade Model
- Vanduul Blade Poster
- Drake Buccaneer Poster
- Takuetsu Buccaneer Model
- Takuetsu Anvil Crucible Model
- Anvil Crucible Poster
- Takuetsu Eclipse Model
- Eclipse Poster
- Alternative Eclipse Skin
- Eclipse Logo Poster
- Gladius Valiant Poster
- Takuetsu Gladius Valiant Model
- Hull A Poster
- Takuetsu Hull A Model
- Takuetsu Hull B Model
- Hull B Poster
- Takuetsu Hull D Model
- Hull D Poster
- Takuetsu Hull E Model
- Hull E Poster
- Takuetsu Javelin model
- Javelin Poster
- Argo Poster
- Takuetsu Argo Model
- Takuetsu P-72 Archimedes model
- P-72 Archimedes Poster
- Unique Eclipse Serial Stamp
- Razor Poster
- Takuetsu Razor Model
- Takuetsu mini Retaliator Base
- Retaliator Base poster
- Takuetsu Aegis Sabre Model
- Aegis Sabre Poster
- Takuetsu Sabre Comet Model
- Sabre Comet Poster
- Starfarer Gemini Poster
- Takuetsu Starfarer Gemini Model
- AEGIS Vulcan Hazard Yellow Skin
- AEGIS Vulcan CTR Livery Skin
- UWC Service Uniform (Exclusive Early Bird VIP Item)
- 600i Name Reservation
- Hammerhead Serial Stamp
- Unique Polaris Serial Stamp
- MISC Razor LX Serial Number - CR2018
- MISC Razor EX Serial Number - CR2018
- Star Citizen Digital Download
- Squadron 42 Digital Download
- Digital Game Soundtrack
- Digital Star Map
- Digital Making Of Star Citizen
- Digital Engineering Manual
- Star Citizen Digital Novella
- Starting Money: 20,000 UEC.