Scientists Set To Study Sex In Space As Interplanetary Tourism Gets Ready To Get It On

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As space tourism becomes more of a reality, one group of scientists is pondering the thought of "uncontrolled human conception" in space. The scientist's green paper suggests space sex could happen within the next decade and we need to start preparing for it now.

The group says tourist behavior will differ greatly from that of professional astronauts, so the pickup line "Your space pod or mine?" will likely be heard once space tourism begins lasting from days to weeks. With some inevitably tripping the light fantastic in the outer reaches of space, the issue of uncontrolled conception while exposed to microgravity and increased levels of ionizing radiation could pose a risk.

"Our knowledge of the effects of these space environments on the early stages of human reproduction and the long-term consequences to human offspring in its infancy. This lack of knowledge underpins the risks within the evolving orbital space tourism sector," noted the scientists in the green paper for public consultation.

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With companies like Blue Origin looking to build the Orbital Reef Space Station and Elon Musk's SpaceX working toward inhabiting Mars one day, it is not hard to imagine the probability of civilians hooking up at some point while partaking in long journeys through space.

"Our starting point was a throwaway comment about sex in space, but when we checked, we were surprised the sector has not openly considered the risks and this led to the study," remarked David Cullen, professor of astrobiology and space biotechnology at Cranfield University.

The scientists make a series of recommendations, including organizing a series of consultations and meetings to discuss uncontrolled human conception in space tourism and to establish the risks and risk mitigation. Topics suggested for future discussion include exploring questions concerning the motivation for tourists to engage in sexual activity during spaceflight and considering the use of contraceptives during spaceflight.

The group argues that with the likelihood of human reproduction occurring beyond the realm of Earth becoming greater within the next decade, the need to study the effects of conception in space is necessary. So, those fortunate enough to be among the first tourists taking a long trip in space may be met with having to sign legal waivers pertaining to having sex onboard the spacecraft, as well as undergo pre-flight counseling on the risks of conception in space.