This Red Dead Redemption 2 Mod Adds A New Character And Single-Player Campaign

For TakeTwo Interactive subsidiary, Rockstar Games, both of the titles have been practically printing them money, but between the two GTA V has definitely been far more lucrative. With both of the online installments continuing to add content and making it so that there is more to do and play within the universe of these games.
Unfortunately, at the beginning of July, Rockstar announced in a blog post that Red Dead Online would be getting no more major updates. This definitely came as a blow to RDR2 fans who were hoping for more content, but that blog post points out that the development teams are slowly moving into work on the next game in the GTA series. Tack on the fact that Grand Theft Auto Online actually just released another content update it's like kicking fans while they're down.
There is some good news for Red Dead fans though—the modding community has stepped up, at least for the single player scene! Thanks to a modder known as CruelMasterMC there is a brand new single player campaign that users can download and play till your heart's content. Named Life of Crime, the mod adds an intro mission, a train heist mission, and a manor heist mission, a skill tree, a rank system, new wardrobes, and a character creator. According to the mod's creator the point is to not play as Arthur or John, but to play as your own unique character, perhaps even a representation of your online character if you'd like.

Life of Crime 2.0 Mod Logo