NPD Group Says PlayStation 4 Took Xbox One Out Behind The Wood Shed Again In April
It will be interesting to see if the PS4 can maintain its momentum once Microsoft drops the price of the Xbox One. Beginning June 9, 2014, gamers will have the option of picking up the Xbox One without a Kinect motion control sensor for $399, the same price as a PS4. In addition, Microsoft recently announced changes to its Xbox Live Gold membership -- you no longer need a Live Gold subscription to enjoy streaming media from apps like Netlifx and Hulu.

As for right now, both consoles are pushing more software sales than the previous generation consoles did following their respective launches.
"PS4 software combined with Xbox One software sales are up over 40 percent compared to sales of the PS3 and Xbox 360 through their first six months," NPD notes.
Even with that being the case, overall software sales declined 10 percent to $227.9 million, compared to $254.3 million during the same period a year ago. Not surprisingly, Titanfall was the top selling title, followed by Call of Duty: Ghosts, NBA 2K14, Minecraft for the Xbox 360, and LEGO The Hobbit.