Minecraft Celebrates A Decade Of Blocky Fun With Browser-Based Original Gameplay
It might be hard to believe but the blocky game Minecraft will turn ten-years-old this month. To celebrate the birthday, the folks behind the game have done something that fans will enjoy, and bosses might hate. Minecraft Classic is launching running the original game directly in a browser.
The developers say that Minecraft Classic is exactly as the game was in 2009 when it launched. That means all the original bugs, original interface, and only 32 blocks to enjoy. Most of those blocks are dyed wool, and the game is only available in creative mode. Even Minecraft was simplier a decade ago. The official birthday for the game is May 17.
Players can bring up to nine friends into their world to play along for a total of ten players in the game world you create. Exactly what the decade-old bugs you will have to deal with are, we don't know. Minecraft has become a big deal in the decade since it launched.
It's used in some schools as part of class curriculum and has added lots more blocks and character types to deal with. It received a massive aquatic update in late 2017 that added in new underwater exploration activities. The game still has a vast number of players.
The last figures we talked about were in early 2018 when Minecraft had 74 million active players and had sold 144 million copies. Microsoft is the owner of Mojang, the company behind Minecraft, after spending $2.5 billion on the acquisition in 2014. Minecraft is still being updated and was part of a special Xbox One S bundle last summer.