Google Developing Virtual Reality Version Of Android
At this week's Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, "VR" was a definite buzzword. You simply couldn't avoid it. Valve announced a solution, as did AMD. Even NVIDIA unveiled a monstrous graphics card that promises to be powerful enough to provide a proper, immersive VR experience.
With this spring's GDC now done and over with, reports have begun to trickle out of Google's supposed interest in VR. Much like how the company has created a tuned Android for wearables, it looks like it could be doing the same for VR. It's being said that there are "tens of engineers" dedicated to the project, but there's no telling when the fruits of their labor will be seen.
What we know for sure is that Google will have Facebook in its sights with this project. Last year, Facebook made the enormous acquisition of Oculus, which up to this point has been considered the VR standard. But Oculus isn't invincible. When it first hit the scene, competition was nearly nonexistent. Now it feels like we're going to be hit with everything all at once, and Oculus may no longer seem like the king that it is today.
It's not just Facebook that's a serious threat to Google's future VR success, though. Microsoft also has an incredible solution in the works, called HoloLens, and Samsung has its Gear VR.
One thing's for certain: If you're a fan of VR, you have a lot to look forward to.