Bungie Says Mark Your Calendars For A Destiny Spring Update April 12th
Bungie released the latest major Destiny expansion, The Taken King, about six months ago, and since then there's been little reason for advanced Guardians to keep on grinding. In December, we were treated to a cool racing mode called Sparrow Racing League, which offered 320 Light Level head/feet drops, and just this past Valentine's Day, a neat 2v2 PvP mode sweetened things up a well.
Both the SRL and Valentine's Day modes were well-received overall, with many players hoping to see their return in the near-future. While Bungie hasn't admitted if (or when) those modes would come back, it has finally ended what's proven to be an absolute drought of information about upcoming content.
In a new "This Week At Bungie" entry, we're told that the next big content update, which is being dubbed the "April Update", will drop on April 12. Fortunately, those who are not huge into competition will be glad to know that this update will include some PvE content. At this point, though, what we're being told is nothing more than a tease; we're simply not being given any real specifics at the current time.
Whereas the SRL update introduced 320 Light Level gear, many believe the April Update will likely bump that up to 330 (based on items that popped-up in the official Destiny armory for a short time). With that Light Level boost, we'll also see "new and updated gear", which hopefully means that some cool, new Exotic items are en route, or perhaps even some older Exotic items have been upgraded for Year Two gameplay.
Bungie isn't telling us all of what's new with this update, but we do know that Sandbox and Crucible updates will be coming as well (but that's not much of a surprise).
To help whet the appetites of its Guardians worldwide, Bungie is going to be hosting a trio of videos on Twitch that talk about what's coming. The first will happen this Wednesday (March 23), at 11AM PST, and additional talks will remain in that same time slot the following two Wednesdays. The first episode will talk about what's new, while the second shows you what you can earn. Finally, the third teaser will talk about the Crucible updates.
For Destiny fans who've been dying for something new, your wait is almost over. Following this update, players will get one more expansion later this year, and then the wait will start for Destiny 2.