Bethesda To Unleash Hell On May 13th, Doom Release Date Confirmed In Campaign Trailer

doom bethesda
Bethesda and id Software are in the process rebooting the Doom franchise and it seems like it’s been in development for ages. When we last visited the upcoming Doom remake, Bethesda had posted a giblet-filled trailer which showed some pretty impressive gameplay visuals, kickass hand-to-hand combat and plenty of head stomping.

Today, Bethesda's release clued us in on something that Doom fans have been anticipating for years: an actual release date. Mark your calendars for May 13th, because that’s when Doom will be available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and of course, the PC platform.

doom collectors edition

Gamers will be able to pickup a Collector’s Edition of the game which come with a 12-inch tall statue of the game’s signature villain: the Revenant. The statue was modeled using in-game 3D files and stands atop a base that features an internal rotating turbine and LED lighting. You’ll also receive the game disc enclosed within a metal case. The Doom Collector’s Edition is currently available for pre-order for $119.99, and those that pre-order either the standard or Collector’s Edition will also receive the Demon Multiplayer pack:

[The Demon Multiplayer Pack] includes exclusive multiplayer goodies like a demon armor set with three skin variations, six metallic paint colors and three id logo patterns for your weapons and armor, and a set of six Hack Modules – consumable items that will give you an edge in a multiplayer match.

And if that isn’t enough Doom news for you, Bethesda also dropped a new campaign trailer for you to ogle:

For those keeping score, this will be the first full-fledged entry into the franchise since 2004’s Doom 3. The original Doom, which was a landmark game for its time, was released in 1993.

Tags:  doom, bethesda