Adafruit Throws Pi In Your Eye With Google Glass-Like Project For Raspberry Pi
Basically, you can pull apart the video glasses and extract some key components and then fit them into some 3D-printed pieces, the designs for which are free from Thingiverse. Poof, there are your high-tech specs.
To power them--and this is the ungraceful part--you need to put together a pocket-sized Raspberry Pi system and, well, put it in your pocket. Then you connect the Rasperry Pi to the spectacles with a composite video cable, sync up the wireless keyboard, and you have yourself a computer with a custom HUD.
The video glasses cost about $100, and the Raspberry Pi costs $39.95. You’ll also need a battery pack (about $24.95), and the wireless keyboard should run you $49.95. Sure, that’s not pocket change, and the specs aren’t exactly as cool as Google Glass, but the whole thing sounds like a delightful, funny, and ultimately rather useful product.
Just don’t wear them in San Francisco.