Items tagged with wearable-technology
A new AI-infused device wants to hang around and take away the feeling of being lonely. And while the lonely can preorder a new Friend, the device is currently only friendly with those with an iPhone.
Most everyone has experienced the feeling of being lonely at some point in their life. Not having anyone to listen...
A group of MIT engineers have developed a stamp-sized ultrasound adhesive that can produce clear images of the heart, lungs, and other internal organs. The hope is that these small devices could replace the need for bulky equipment in certain situations in the future.
If someone is in need of an ultrasound...
A company called Seismic, a wearable robotics spin-off from SRI International, is showing off a new wearable suit that is meant to help the wearer boost their muscle power by working with the user's muscles. Tiny motors embedded in the suit are designed in a way that contracts like human muscle. These tiny motors are...
As wearable tech concepts go, the idea of a "smart helmet' — a motorcycle helmet equipped to deliver usable information to its wearer via heads-up visuals projected onto the visor, such as GPS data — really is quite smart, allowing riders to keep their eyes on the road. And even smarter? Configuring said helmet to respond to voice commands,
ASUS has big plans for the coming year. At this year’s CES in January, ASUS is going to make a splash with new smartphones, and handsets are going to become a major focus for the company. “We remain optimistic about the desktop and laptop market, but our priority is to make the company’s smartphone...
Not that it’s much of a surprise, but Samsung is developing a device of its own to compete with Google Glass. According to images pulled from a patent filing in Korea, the so-called “sports glasses”, or smart glasses, look quite a bit like Google Glass, right down to the HMD, side buttons (which could be touchpads), and transparent...
Everyone perceives warmth or coldness a bit differently; for proof, just stroll through any cubicle farm and note that while one person is wrapped in a blanket, someone a few doors down is loosening his tie and holding a tiny fan to cool down. Wearable technology may be part of the solution to that problem. A team of...