Items tagged with unlocking
Thanks to the efforts of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and its Chairman Tom Wheeler, you shouldn't have too much trouble unlocking your cellphone post contract and taking it to another carrier. It's certainly legal, which was a bit of a gray area two years ago. But Wheeler and all four major wireless...
Score one for the customer. President Barack Obama signed the “Unlocking Consumer Choice and Wireless Competition Act,” which Congress recently passed with unusual ease. The bill makes it legal for mobile phone service customers to unlock their phones and move from one service to another. Carriers...
Well, it's good to see the ball rolling on this one already. In January, the US government deemed it illegal to unlock your cell phone without explicit carrier permission - and obviously, that didn't go down too well with consumers. Almost immediately, a petition was started that garnered over 115,000 signatures. President Obama took notice,...
Of late, there has been quite a lot of hubbub -- even in the mainstream media -- regarding the issue of phone unlocking. In particular, a legal quirk involving DMCA regulations that would or would not allow someone to unlock their phone. It actually revolves around unlocking software, but the "in-practice" impact is...
It looks like the days (literally, just days) of having to pay almost $100 for an iPhone unlocking program are over...more or less. We don't recommend or suggest that you try any hack due to the possibility of damaging your product and, according to some reports, the risk of bodily harm. That said, it is certainly understandable why some...
Software unlocking of the iPhone has been a source of threats from AT&T. However, there is an exemption in the DMCA that allows software unlocking of phones - the question has been what will happen if that's tested against a commercial product. In this case, an open source, free product, there's no recourse, except for a ROM change that...
You may recall that the UniquePhones software unlocking solution has been delayed by a threat by AT&T. Meanwhile, iPhoneSIMFree has been pretty quiet. Yesterday, however, they released a FAQ which not only gives additional information about their unlocking solution, but also gives hope for a release — soon. 1. Would all the...
Citing a post from Hackintosh, the iPhone Atlas is starting to uncover the dark side of iPhone unlocking, namely the allegedly explosive nature of some of the devices.Here's an tidbit from the original post, spelling errors and all: “We were so happy, all the software part was done, so we started opening the iphone. The antenna cover was...
Yesterday we told you about the software unlocking of the iPhone performed by two different companies. One of them,, was to go live with its solution today on its site. However, after a threatening call from an AT&T lawyer, they have delayed the release. The man informed McLaughlin that if he...
NGOHQ has just posted a file based off a recent ULI-patch that unlocks SLI functionality for non-nForce chipsets. In short, any motherboard that features dual PCI-Express x8 or x16 slots could possibly be able to operate in SLI mode thanks to this modified SLI patch. No word yet on how this patch fares so far, though you can be sure we'll...
Unlocking & Overclocking The AMD Slot A Thunderbird Straddling the fence between the old and the new July 4, 2000 - By Dave Altavilla In this weeks installment of "my PC is faster than yours", we have a new processor that has emerged in the High End space. AMD's long awaited Thunderbird (god I love that code name)...