Items tagged with parking
Google Now keeps getting smarter, and with Google’s latest update, its new trick is the ability to find your parked car. Or, put another way, it “remembers” where you parked, even if your aged, decrepit, or sleepy brain doesn’t. (We’d include “or otherwise impaired” on that list, but you wouldn’t...
Annoyed with the amount of traffic rolling through your city? Can't get over the awful parking issues? You aren't alone. In a bid to continue making the world a smarter place, IBM has teamed up with Streetline in order to address a huge, still-unsolved city issue: parking. The collaboration is set to help cities of all sizes reduce congestion,...
Avis is teaming up with Autonet Mobile to offer a WiFi hotspot that serves the rental car, and about a hundred foot radius around it. Autonet Mobile's In-Car Router is about the size of a laptop and draws power from the car's cigarette lighter outlet. The hardware itself is a bridge for a cellular provider's 3G...