Items tagged with (NASDAQ:TMUS)

T-Mobile isn't messing around, it wants to be the biggest carrier in the U.S. and it is working hard to make that a reality. The third-place wireless carrier has promised to roll out a nationwide 5G network by 2020, and positively cleaned up at the FCC 600 MHz spectrum auction held earlier this year. T-Mobile dropped... Read more...
T-Mobile likes to call itself the "Uncarrier," a self-imposed nickname that references its propensity to do things differently than other wireless carriers. And to T-Mobile's credit, it does march to the beat of its own drum. Where the complaints come into play is with network coverage and speed. That is something T-Mobile has been working Read more...
The new G6 from LG is a really good Android phone in its own right, but if you were on the fence, T-Mobile and LG have a pair of offers that you might find too good to refuse. Starting with T-Mobile, the spunky "uncarrier," as it likes to call itself, is offering the LG 6 for $20 per month for 24 months, plus a $20... Read more...
T-Mobile boss John Legere has turned the hype dial to 11 after the wireless carrier won 45 percent of the low-band 600MHz spectrum the FCC put up for auction. Legere called it "possibly the biggest news ever" for T-Mobile, which invested $7.99 billion acquiring the spectrum, its largest investment to date. No other... Read more...
T-Mobile just changed the amount of data its customers are allowed to consume before they face potential throttling, depending on network usage. The limit now sits at 30 gigabytes per billing cycle, whereas previously T-Mobile's network management policy listed the ceiling at 28GB. Obviously that is not a ginormous... Read more...
There are certain uncomfortable moments that trigger an awkward feeling in your belly. One of them is walking in on your parents when they're doing the horizontal mambo. While perhaps not quite on that level, it feels a little weird watching two wireless carriers go back and forth on Twitter in a feud over the erotic... Read more...
What do you do when you are having a bad day? Do you go for a long run? Do you eat an entire carton of ice cream? How about smashing your car into a building? One Florida T-Mobile customer recently smashed their SUV through the front of a Palm Springs store because they were having a “bad day”. Shinobia Montoria... Read more...
T-Mobile recently signaled the end of data plans as you know them with the introduction of a singular option (with add-ons, of course), taking jabs at Verizon in the process, and now it's claiming bragging rights over its biggest rival in network performance. Make that more bragging rights—T-Mobile says its 4G LTE... Read more...
T-Mobile earlier this month dealt what it hoped would be a major blow to Verizon and AT&T, the two top dogs in wireless, by eliminating data plans altogether and introducing T-Mobile One, an unlimited everything plan for one low monthly price. It generated a lot of buzz, and now T-Mobile is amping things up with... Read more...
Flowers and candy are nice sentiments for mom on Mother's Day, but once the roses wither away and the candy is consumed, what's left? T-Mobile has another idea, one that might help you atone for the guilt of not calling your mother enough, as you're reminded whenever you visit. Instead of flowers, get mom an LG G5 and... Read more...
Following the terrorist bombings in Brussels on Tuesday that killed over 30 people and left many others injured, all four major wireless carriers in the United States—AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon— are offering customers free phone calling and text messaging services to Belgium for various periods of time. As... Read more...
Have you ever wondered what it would to operate without a filter and just say whatever the heck it is that's on your mind? Most of us aren't afforded that luxury—bosses don't take kindly to being told their haircut looks it was done by a blind beaver—but we can live vicariously through T-Mobile CEO John Legere. If... Read more...
The Federal Communications Commission is looking into various wireless plans with so called zero-rating services to see if they run afoul of net neutrality legislation, including T-Mobile's popular Binge On program. In case the FCC is need of any advice on the matter, T-Mobile has a message for the agency—"tread... Read more...
T-Mobile has been relatively quiet about its Binge On unlimited video streaming service ever since CEO John Legere stuck his foot in his mouth by dropping the F-bomb on the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). Now that the dust has settled on that unsavory incident, T-Mobile is back at it again with some changes to... Read more...
All the hoopla surrounding T-Mobile's controversial Binge On program has the company's outspoken boss, John Legere, in the limelight more than usual. Drawn to defend the benefits of Binge On, both in social media and to news outlets alike, Legere is prone to lose his cool at times, and he regrets recent comments he... Read more...
If you're a fan of online drama, grab a bucket of popcorn and get cozy, the show has already begun. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to call it a showdown involving T-Mobile and its outspoken CEO John Legere versus everyone who doesn't agree with the wireless carrier's Binge On program, particularly the EFF. In... Read more...
Several Internet service providers (ISPs) have drawn the attention of the Federal Communications Commission with so-called "zero-rating" offerings, which is the practice of exempting certain services from counting against a customer's data cap. What FCC chairman Tom Wheeler wants to figure out is whether or not... Read more...
T-Mobile, now the third largest wireless carrier in the United States (behind Verizon and AT&T), is planning a series of special promotions for the holiday season. It's called Un-carrier Unwrapped and for the next month, T-Mobile will introduce a "special gift" for customers each week, starting with three full months... Read more...
T-Mobile's been on a mission to disrupt the wireless market, hence why it calls itself the un-carrier. One of the more recent and controversial initiatives to come from T-Mobile is Binge On, a program that allows that allows customers to access certain streaming services without it counting against their data caps. On... Read more...
T-Mobile's flagship prepaid brand, MetroPCS, is rolling out a few new updates that will help customers stay under their data cap. One of those updates is a new Music Unlimited initiative that allows customers on qualifying plans to stream all the music they want from any of 33 streaming services without it counting... Read more...
Satellite TV provider Dish Network is reportedly in talks with T-Mobile, the fourth largest wireless carrier in the U.S., about merging. While nothing is yet imminent, the two sides have already agreed on a power structure that would have Dish chief Charlie Ergen becoming chairman and T-Mobile boss John Legere taking the reins as CEO. The Read more...
T-Mobile CEO John Legere is a bit of an acquired taste. Think of beer -- most people either love a good bottle of suds or find it repulsive. So it goes with Legere, though no matter which side of the fence you fall on, credit the outspoken chief with shaking up the wireless industry. His latest antic? Shaming... Read more...
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