Items tagged with Malware

Google has removed over two dozen malicious Android apps from the Play Store that were collectively downloaded millions of times. The apps, which went to great lengths to appear legitimate, sent users pornographic content, redirected them to phishing websites, and collected photos under the guise of applying filters... Read more...
Google still has a massive malware problem within the Google Play store. In November, we learned that apps from Cheetah Mobile had been part of a massive click fraud scheme that saw apps from it and Kika Tech stealing millions of dollars in fraudulent clicks. The apps had reportedly been downloaded around 2 billion... Read more...
The USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) has announced a new authentication standard that can be implemented for USB-C devices and complimenting chargers. USB-C Authentication, as it’s called, uses 128-bit “cryptographic-based authentication” to help mitigate potential security intrusions from USB thumb drives and chargers... Read more...
Typically when we talk about malware, we are talking about malicious code that is hidden inside software to try and take advantage of end users. An example is a malware that was hiding aboard a fake Adobe Flash update that was designed to install cryptocurrency mining software or other nefarious payloads. Earlier this... Read more...
Android malware authors are always out looking to make a buck, and it looks as though one particular outfit has struck gold. Researchers from ESET have come across a malicious app called Optimization Android that presents itself as a battery conditioning tool. Image Source: ESET However, the app doesn't actually... Read more...
With the value of Bitcoin once again experiencing a big drop this past week, you may begin to think that malware developers would begin shifting focus elsewhere. Unfortunately, that's far from being the case. Even if crypto seems to have modest value, that value becomes substantial when you multiply it by every... Read more...
Malware-laden apps are nothing new for the Google Play store where Android users go to download apps of all sorts. Google has been heavily criticized over the years for not doing enough to prevent malicious apps from being offered to users via the Google Play Store. This year we have seen a malicious app masquerading... Read more...
It's not common to find free software that appears to be as feature-rich and capable as the commercial competition, but where Windows Defender is concerned, it's arguably one of the best free antivirus and anti-malware solutions out there. Many have come to trust it so much, that they don't even run an additional... Read more...
At least for the time being, it looks like the mad rush to buy graphics cards for cryptocurrency mining and leave gamers with overpriced options is in the rear view mirror. That doesn't mean cryptocurrency mining doesn't still present an annoyance in some sectors, though. Security researchers warn that cryptocurrency... Read more...
In recent years, we've seen a number of garden variety consumer electronics devices -- including routers and webcams among others -- that have been sucked into zombie botnets to wreak havoc around the globe. Many of those devices were accessible due to extremely weak passwords that were enacted by default by their... Read more...
Those who enjoy streaming movies and television shows on their devices should always be cautious when downloading content. It has been revealed that several third-party Kodi add-ons for Windows and Linux contained cryptocurrency malware. The cryptocurrency miner is difficult to uncover and is believed to have infected... Read more...
When it comes to Android smartphones, one of the biggest advantages that they have over iOS-based iPhones is the ability to access external storage in addition to their onboard storage allotment. Take the Galaxy Note 9 for example; it is available with up to 512GB of internal storage and can also access up to 512GB of... Read more...
Fortnite is currently the hottest game in the world and appeals to a wide spectrum of gamers both young and old. However, its immense popularity also means that it is often the target of malware authors and scammers. That became readily apparent over the past few weeks by Rainway CEO Andrew Sampson. Sampson wrote in... Read more...
Malware is a huge problem for computer users today as the threat posed by malicious software continues to increase. A new botnet was recently detected in a live environment for an unnamed client of Deep Instinct, a security firm. The security firm says that the botnet, dubbed Mylobot, uses three different layers of... Read more...
Researchers have discovered a new strain of malware for Android devices that combines different styles of attack into a single package. Called MysteryBot, the new malware hits victims with a banking Trojan, keylogger, and ransomware in one fell swoop. The good news here is that the cybercriminals responsible for... Read more...
It's not often that the US Justice Department or FBI pleads with the public to do something, so when this happens, it's worth paying attention. This past week, the agency managed to thwart a botnet called VPNFilter by deactivating a domain that would have sent further instructions to routers belonging to ordinary folk... Read more...
The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice dealt a blow to a sophisticated Russian botnet that security researchers referred to as VPNFilter. They did it  by seizing a key domain used to perpetuate the attacks. In doing so, the agencies effectively disrupted a malicious effort that was... Read more...
Over 1,000 North Korean citizens try to defect to South Korea each and every year, and for each of them, the sudden sense of freedom must feel overwhelming. Naturally, North Korea isn't happy with anyone who decides to leave, and the country certainly has the means to seek out and track those who've done so. While... Read more...
If you use Facebook Messenger, hate malware, and always click on links you're sent without a second thought, then you're going to want to exercise more caution moving forward. A new strain of malware has been making the rounds since March, and depending on how you view things, the effect of "Nigelthorn" is somewhat... Read more...
If your Android phone has suddenly started bombarding you with advertisements, you might the victim of malware, and specifically a strain that recently infiltrated Google Play by disguising itself as a bunch of handy utilities. Researchers at security firm Sophos discovered the tricky malware, saying that infected... Read more...
Google's Android operating is often seen as having a bad reputation with regards to security. We often hear about malware coursing its way through the Google Play Store that can hijack your smartphone, but Google is here to tell us that Android is secure -- or rather, it is at least as secure as Apple’s iOS. With... Read more...
It seems that everyone and their uncle is mining cryptocurrency these days. That is a topic in and of itself, but what's disturbing is even if you are not knowingly mining virtual coins, you might still be mining...for someone else. Crypto-jacking has emerged as a form of malware, whereby a website or app sneakily... Read more...
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