Items tagged with Mac Clone
You remember Psystar, don't you? How could you not, right? The company famous (or should we say infamous?) for forging ahead with production on Mac clones even as lawsuits from Apple piled up has finally caved, but not to Apple. No, it has caved to the pressures of financing a business.According to a new report up at The Mac Observer, the...
Apple Computer has nearly always kept its Mac computer platform an in-house-only proposition. Other than a few sanctioned (and unsanctioned) clones in the platform's early days and a two-year span in the mid-1990's, legitimate Apple computers have only come from Apple. That's not to say others haven't tried (for an interesting look at the...
Fist it was: Psystar who? Followed by: Psystar wherefore art thou? Then nipping on those heels came: okay, I see it, but I don't believe it. Now the latest installment in the Psystar soap opera has us eating crow, because Engadget actually has a preliminary hands-on review of a Psystar Open Computer, including video and benchmarks."As far...
The folks over at Engadget appear to have received an actual Psystar Open Computer Mac clone, and they've posted a number of photos from the system's unboxing. The case looks to be the same design as appeared in the video post we wrote about yesterday. Which means we're probably going to have to eat our words: We theorized that the video...
Gizmodo has posted a video clip sent in by a reader that supposedly shows a Psystar Mac Clone up and running in the home of an actual Psystar customer. "The thing boots up and runs pretty damn fast, says Patrick, but Software Update won't recognize it so you won't be able to patch. System Profiler thinks that it's a Mac Pro." The video is...
While the rest of the world tries to figure out if this company is legit or not, Psystar keeps chugging along. And now, they say their first PCs are shipping!So, is it a hoax or not? Mac clone builder Psystar has experienced in just one week all the good and bad today’s Internet has to offer: The possible availability of a cheap Mac...
We recently reported on the company Psystar who is selling machines with an option to load OS X 10.5, a.k.a. Leopard, and how threats of litigation from Apple was all but imminent. That has now come to pass, and apparently Psystar is firing back:Speaking to InformationWeek, a Psystar employee identified only as Robert said his company sees...