Items tagged with Internet Explorer

Still clinging to Internet Explorer? If so, be aware of a recently posted security advisory (2757760) alerting IE users of a vulnerability that could allow attackers to execute malicious code from a remote location. According to Microsoft, the the vulnerability affects affects IE6, IE7, IE8, and IE9 (IE10 is... Read more...
If you have a hard time picturing what your childhood would have been like without blasting asteroids to smithereens or battling your friends in Pong, you’re in for a treat. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, you’re still in for a lot of fun, thanks to Atari. The venerable game maker is... Read more...
Another month is in the books, and as usual, Internet Explorer remains the most used browser on the planet with a 54.02 percent share of the market, according to NetMarketShare. That's down only slightly from one month prior, when IE's share totaled 54.05 percent. After sliding consistently for the past couple of... Read more...
Something strange is happening the world of browsers. It wasn't all that long ago when it was conceivable to think that Internet Explorer would no longer be the most used browser on the planet in 2012, and certainly not by the second quarter. But lo and behold, not only is IE in command of the browser wars with a... Read more...
This month's Patch Tuesday will plug up less than a dozen vulnerabilities -- 11, to be exact -- in various flavors of Windows, Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer, and other software, Microsoft announced in a Security Bulletin Advance Notification for April 2012. Microsoft issued half a dozen bulletins in all, the same number as last month,... Read more...
For the love of all that is holy on the Internet, it's time to stick in a fork in Internet Explorer 6 and consider it done, says Microsoft (and we wholeheartedly agree, by the way), in a matter of words. That's not a direct quote from the Redmond software giant, but heck, the company did go and create an "Internet Explorer 6 Countdown" page... Read more...
It was always assumed that Mozilla's Firefox browser would one day overtake Microsoft's Internet Explorer in the global browser market, ending IE's reign that began when the Redmond software giant buried Netscape Navigator years ago. But as it turns out, Google Chrome might have a better shot of overtaking IE, and at the rate things are going,... Read more...
The past 18 months have seen a significant evolution in browser graphics. Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera have all added support for such standards as OpenCL, HTML5, and Direct2D acceleration. (HTML5 isn't a graphics standard, strictly speaking, but it allows the browser to handle certain activities that once... Read more...
Didn't Microsoft just unveil Internet Explorer 9 a few months ago? Sure feels like it, but it's never to soon to start thinking about what's next, right? Right! At MIX 11 this week in Las Vegas, Microsoft revealed a preview build of IE10, despite the fact that IE9 just left beta months ago. What's new with Internet Explorer 10? Well, for one,... Read more...
Microsoft has been very thorough in their approach to launching Internet Explorer 9. The browser has been in beta for quite some time now, but it's clearly that the company is eager to get a new build into the wild to take on Firefox, Safari and Chrome -- all of which are gaining serious momentum as IE8 falters. Right on schedule, Microsoft... Read more...
Are you ready for a "more beautiful web?" It's coming soon, according to Microsoft. The company who invented Internet Explorer is nearly ready to release the finalized version of IE9, and Microsoft has just officially announced that it will launch to consumers on March 14th. That's during SXSW, a festival in central Texas that's becoming more... Read more...
The next generation of browser wars is just around the corner. While Mozilla inches closer to shipping Firefox 4, which is currently in its eleventh beta, Microsoft on Thursday announced the availability of Internet Explorer 9 in Release Candidate form. That means it's essentially finished, at least in terms of features, and should have most... Read more...
Google launched the latest version of Chrome late last week with support for multiple new features. While Google no longer labels Chrome with a version number or admits such a thing exists, information under the "Stats For Nerds" link in the browser's task manager confirms that this is Chrome 9.0.597.84. There are no... Read more...
Most of you probably have no desire to turn back the clock and get your Web surfing groove on with IE6, but consider all those enterprise users who developed apps to work with Microsoft's non-standard browser. The sad reality is Microsoft essentially broke the Web, leaving scores of business users with the unenviable... Read more...
This news story comes straight from the "We couldn't make this up" file. It's a well known fact that banks offer different interest rates to different customers depending on the applicant's credit history, credit rating, and annual income. Somewhere along the line, one's choice of browser was apparently slipped into... Read more...
Ah, IE6. Over the past decade it's transitioned from its position as Microsoft's Playmate to Microsoft's ancient, wheezing, colostomy-bag-holding mother-in-law. The decrepit browser's grip on the corporate sector is so strong that Redmond has found itself in the embarrassing position of having to beg ask its customers... Read more...
Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9 opened its public beta with a splash on Wednesday, but more than have the PCs in the world can't currently run it. That's because IE9 uses the Direct2D API, to accelerate content rendering with your GPU, and therein lies the rub: Direct2D is only on Windows Vista and later OSes. That means, Microsoft told the... Read more...
Microsoft on Wednesday unveiled its Internet Explorer 9 public beta to the world. However, with Internet Explorer market share continuing to drop, and drop, while Chrome and Firefox make major inroads the question is: do we care? As an end user, in the past, we really wouldn't care about an IE release. We moved first for Firefox, and as it... Read more...
The "September" time frame was confirmed already, but the next major installment of Internet Explorer now has a firm launch date: September 15. That's the date that Microsoft has set for the debut of the first IE9 beta, which is the company's first major attempt to battle the advancements made by Chrome and Firefox... Read more...
For compatibility reasons, many corporations still insist on deploying Internet Explorer across their workforce, no matter how much the end-user complains. It's not that IE is more standards compliant than other browsers -- in most cases, the opposite is true -- but Microsoft's longstanding dominance in browser market share has forced Web... Read more...
Here's something you probably already knew: Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser has been around awhile, with varying editions carrying on through the years. IE 6, for whatever reason, was a version that saw huge adoption, and with so many non-upgraded Windows XP machines still in use, it's no surprise that a huge majority of Web surfing... Read more...
If you've managed to glance through any of our recent netbook reviews, you'd know that we're big fans of NVIDIA's Ion. This technology has enabled netbooks to handle multi-media in a way they never could using older integrated GPUs, and we honestly wish there were more options out there just like it. One area that... Read more...
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