Items tagged with intel 20a
Microprocessors are the most complex things humans have ever constructed. In any complex system, radically changing one part of a system always has knock-on effects for other parts of the system. To combat this, you can try to de-couple interconnected parts of the system, and that's been a popular idea in...
Much has been written about the death of Moore's Law. The "law"—more properly titled an "observation"—was created by one of Intel's founders, Gordon Moore. He noted that the number of components in an integrated circuit was roughly doubling every year, then later revised his observation to every two years in 1975...
We've been measuring integrated circuit feature sizes in nanometers for years now, but some folks reading this are probably as old or older than yours truly, who can recall when we first talked about microprocessors being fabricated at the sub-micron feature size. If you don't know, one micron is one micro-meter, or...